Wait a minute, who are you?

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This is kinda cliche isn't it? Let me know if you want another ship done!

"Since you are an ANBU and chose us, does that mean that the chances of returning are smaller?" Kakashi asked. Everyone is now here and awaiting orders.
"Hai, the chances of returning are smaller but we have to get rid of the Akatuski. They are a threat to us and other nations. Come, we have a long road ahead of us." They nodded in unison and we headed off. As we were moving along I noticed a fox that I could insert Kurama into. "Stop, I have to grab something." I dashed and scooped up the fox. It was a beautiful red-orange color with pure white ears. I put some of my chakra and Kurama's into the fox. Kurama quickly took over and enjoyed having a body. 
"Kura, go ahead and find some sort of smell of Itachi. He is going to help us through. Kakashi, summon as many dogs as you can." Kakashi agreed and summoned Pukkan, Bull, Shiba, Biscuit, Guruko, Uhashi, Akino, and Uhei. He summoned all his ninja dogs.
"I want all of you to split up and find Itachi's scent. He is key to our mission." Kakashi ordered. All seven of them ran off in search of his scent.
"Kitsune, why Itachi? He is rogue and he is with the?" Asked Asuma. I explained what they didn't know about Itachi.
"Itachi isn't rogue, he is under orders from the Hokage. He is to spy on the Akatuski and report using a secret ninja-style that is unique to Itachi." We were still standing in the clearing when Kurama came back.
"I found his scent. I will lead the way." Kurama stated. It sounded like yips to them but I can hear what he is really saying.
"Alright, we have a scent. Kakashi, bring your dogs back. We need them to set a perimeter and to warn us if someone is near that we can't sense. Guy, I need you rested up because your Gates is going to be useful, Asuma, you need to be extra careful, they know your fighting style already. Kakashi, you have to be careful about Hiden. One hit, you are at his mercy. Does everyone understand?" They nodded and like that we were gone.

Kurama leads us straight to the hideout. We got lucky with having Obito, Hiden, Diandra, Kisame, Itachi, and Sasori. We arrived at a large lake with several chakra readings below it. 
"I assume that there are seals, right Kurama?" Kurama nodded and with that, we headed off to the three seals. (I am making this like the episodes where Naruto was saving Gaara. I don't know how to explain it so please work with me here TwT) I stayed with the main seal knowing if I needed help, I would have Itachi. I can't rely just on him though. "Kakashi, send out two of your dogs to two of the seals. I will send one of my toads to one as well. Asuma, go with one set of the dogs, Guy go with the toad, and Kakashi, go with the other set of dogs. Put on head gear so we can contact each other when we are in position." We put on our radios and with that, they were gone, leaving Kurama and me alone waiting for the signal.
"Guy is in position!"
"Asuma in position!"
"Kakashi in position!" They shouted over the radio. 
"Alright, pull when I say three! One! Two! Three!" We all ripped the seals off our points. I jumped off the boulder and sent a fire ball at it. It took one hit and it was destroyed. "Alright, meet me in the cave as soon as possible. You don't want to miss too much of the party do you?" I said jokingly. I dashed inside to find all the Akatuski that I meantioned.
"Who is this? How did he get in? It doesn't matter, it only one ANBU. I think I want to play some!" Obito, a man with a mask that covered his face, said. "Hehe, this is going to be fun!" He said giggling. I pulled out my katana and got into my famous fighting stance.
"Obito, be careful, this is Kitsune. He has huge amounts of power that could end us all if he wants to." Diendera yelled. Obito shrugged and charged at me. I still have yet to move out of my stance. Obito pulled out a kunai and attempted to stab me where he thought I was most weak the arm. Usually, it would be, but for once, I had all my armor on. Obito jumped back while I stayed where I was.
"Is that a fox? Is it a ninja fox? Oh! I want to pet it! First I have to kill you though."
"Are you just gonna watch like a weirdo?" I yelled at Itachi.
"Yup, I like watching you do all the hard work. I will put up a barrier so no one can leave. People can enter but not leave until I say so." I nodded at him as I take my mask off. I can't breathe with that thing on. 
"The mighty Kitsune is a kid? Here I thought I was up against an adult." Obito complained.
"You are a kid Obito!" Dienedera shouts at the masked man. Obito ran at me and I kept dodging his attacks. I was keeping my chakra up so that way I would not run out. I may have a ton of chakra, but I have to use it extra wisely. Kurama's chakra is easily corrupted and nothing here can stop me from raging.
"Jeez, I am fighting an adult that can't even hit me. That is pathetic." I said still dodging Obito. He began to make his mask spin, I don't know how to describe it but it is like it was trying to put me into a trance. 
"Kitsune! Don't look at the mask!" I looked around and saw Kakashi standing at the entrance. 
"Thanks Kakashi!"
"K-Kakashi?" Obito dropped to his knees and sounded like he was sobbing. I couldn't really tell because of the mask.
"Yeah? What about it?" Asked the silverette.
"You killed Rin and you decide to come here? How dare you!" Obito took his mask off to reveal his true face, all wrinkled and looked torn. 
"O-obito. I thought you were dead! I mourned you like how I mourned Rin! I cried for days! I didn't eat or sleep! I refused to leave my home! I thought I lost you!" Kakashi screamed. He was truly hurt, crying on the floor. Damn, it hurt to see him like this. "I thought that if I still had you I would be happy! You left me! I NEEDED you! I didn't mean to kill Rin. I didn't mean to." Kakashi, still sobbing, now on his knees hugging himself. I dashed over, not thinking about what might happen if I got hit, I just wanted to comfort him. I slid on my knees and wrapped my thin arms around him. His head was down and he was sobbing uncontrollably. 
"Kashi, I need you to calm down or walk out of here. I can take care of the situation if you need to go elsewhere." I said calmly in a soft voice. He stumbled as he stood up, and lifted up his headband off his eye.
"I never got rid of it, I kept it to show that I gave a fuck about everything that we did. That I cared about you and Rin. If I could go back in time and change what happened, I would. Now, Itachi, get your thin ass down here." He shouted. Itachi jumped from the place he stood and landed next to me.
"We have the 9 tails, Kakashi Hatake, Itachi Uchiha, Guy Might, and Asuma Sarutobi. You all have been warned." A voice behind me shouts. It was Guy and Asuma, standing tall, looking a little roughed up. 
"Jeez, what took y'all so long?" I asked in a dramatic tone.
"We got caught up in a fight with ourselves. Kakashi didn't pull his off, but the toad did so he got away quickly." Asuma stated. I nodded as we prepped ourselves for a long fight.

I suck at fight scenes so Imma skip to the dramatic part. YwY

I looked around me and saw my team deeply wounded, Itachi had a huge slice of flesh missing on his shoulder, Guy was tired and beaten to a pulp and somehow still standing, Asuma is a bloody mess and needed medical attention soon, Kakashi is hurt but nowhere near as bad as the others. I just have a few minor cuts and bruises. 
"Kashi, copy my jutsu and heal them. I need to end this and fast!" I shouted. The jonin rushed to my side I started to heal Asuma, I nodded and he took over.  Diendera, Obito, and Hiden were dead already but Kisame and Sasori still remained.
"Sasori, take this layer of puppet off. It will help and we can get Pain's approval." Kisame shouted. Kisame was kinda roughed up with a gash on his chest and his chest. Water would be weak against my lightning if I used it right, or my earth. I looked behind me and saw Asuma now standing in nearly perfect condition, Kakashi is now working on Itachi who was bleeding more than before. Kisame ran at us with his large sword and aimed for us. We dodged with no issue but Sasori was releasing some sort of black metal. 
"I recommend that the wounded are taken outside. This will kill them." Sasori said calmly.
"Kashi, take Guy outside! Asuma, get behind me right now!" I let Kurama out of his cage and released him. I allowed his chakra to take my body, turning me into an orange fireball. Kurama came out and wrapped his chakra around Asuma while blocking the entrance so Kakashi and Guy aren't caught in the attack. 
"They brought the Jinchuriki with them I see. Hey, Sasori, what if we took his 9 tails here and Pain will be most pleased." Sasori nodded at Kisame, and released all his black cloud of sand. 

"Damn! That was not easy, eh Naruto?" Asuma yelled. I looked around and saw both of the Akatuskis laying on the ground with no pulse. Kurama had fun playing with them. We dashed through the forest and headed back to our home.

"You already took most of them out? It is just Pain then isn't it? Take a week long break and then back to it! Kitsune, stay here." The three men around me bowed and left. "Kitsune, I want you to be my successor. You know the people better than I do and you have the skills to be the Hokage."
"Sir, would it be a good idea? I am the Jinchuricki after all. The people hate my guts." The Hokage looked at me and said that I was going to do great. Well, now I have to do it so then Tsunade isn't here.

"Kashi!" I yelled as I caught up to the silver headed man, waving. "We need to talk! Like, right now." Kakashi looked at me, fear was in his eyes. 

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