(2) Invite

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Tommy's POV

I got onto discord. People in the groupchat were just messing around having fun.




Super.. California?




i can't read dream






tommy's back!






vc now

We all joined the VC. "Did something happen?" Wilbur asked Dream. "Well.. I have good news!" Dream said, excitedly. "I rented a house for us all to stay in! We're gonna meet up!" "WOOOO!!!" Tubbo yelled. "YES!" Wilbur joined in. "That's pretty pogchamp if I say so myself." Techno said. What if they think I look weird there? "Tommy, you going?" Dream asked. "Yeah, if my parents say so! MOMMM!!" I yelled.

"Mom, can I meet up with Wilbur and Tubbo and some more people please? You know Wilbur!" I pleaded. "Only if you promise to be healthy and eat lots of food that's good for you there. You haven't been eating much." She responded. "Okay mom! Thank you!" I thanked her.
"Yay! Tommy's coming!" Tubbo said happily. "Also guys, Eret is coming. He's just not on right now. I'll tell him later." Dream told us, then left the call.

"Oh, um, I have to leave guys." Tubbo said and disconnected quickly. "What's up with him?" Techno asked. "Not sure, probably had to piss." I said jokingly. Wilbur laughed. "Well I'd better go too." Techno said and left, leaving me and Wilbur.

"Wanna play Minecraft?" I suggested. "Sure." He agreed and we both got online.


30 minutes later

Me and Wilbur were in the middle of PVP when the world started getting dizzy again. My breathing became shaky. "Fuck." I said quietly. I scooted my chair back from my computer for a second. Wilbur stopped hitting me when he saw I wasn't moving. "Tommy?" He asked. I stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to make the panic attack go away.

"Tommy??" He asked again, sounding a bit more worried this time. "I'm- I'm here Wi- Wilbur." I said, my breath still shaky. "Tommy? Is something wrong?" He asked. "Wi- Wilbur, I think I'm ha- aving another panic a- attack." I said. "Okay, Tommy, Tommy, listen to me." He said. "O- Okay." I said. "Name five things you can see." He instructed me. "My- My keyboard, my PC, my ha- hands, my shirt, my feet." I responded. "Four things you can feel." He said. "My chair, my h- hair, my, uh, my desk.. my T-Shirt." I said to him. "Now, three things you can hear." He said. "Yo- Your voice, the wind, my voice." I said. "Two things you can smell." Wilbur said. "Soup, my sweat." I responded. "Last, one thing you can taste." He said. "Um.. saliva." I said. The thing I could really taste was vomit from earlier, but I wasn't gonna bring that up.

"Good, Tommy. How do you feel now?" He asked me. "A- A lot better actually." I said. "Okay, keep that method in mind for next time or call me again for help." Wilbur said. "I'm actually so gl- glad you were there to help me, Wil." I said, taking another deep breath. "Awh, Tommy, you don't need to thank me. I'm glad you told me what was happening." He said, kindly.

"When we go to meet up, if we're sharing rooms, do you think you could try to stay with me? Just in case this happens again.." I asked him. "Maybe. They might not allow it since, well, you know why." Wilbur told me. "Huh? Why- Oh, right. I'm still a minor." I laughed.

A few seconds of silence passed.

"But seriously Wil.. thank you for being there for me. You could have just ignored it but you decided to help me, thank you." I said and smiled. "Tommy, seriously, it's fine! I would do this willingly any day." He said. We both said goodbye and disconnected.

Wilbur's POV

I knew I had to help Tommy as soon as I realized what happened.

When I saw Tommy having a panic attack the first time, I felt so upset because I couldn't go and give him a hug or anything so I did what I could to help him.

I had been through the same things as him a while back. If nobody was there to help Tommy.. who knows what might have happened.

Two years ago

I ran into the forest. I can't take this any more. This world is just full of way too much pain. I can't take it. There's no way I can keep going like this. I'm all alone with no one who cares about me.

I sat on the floor and buried my face in my hands. I started sobbing. I didn't care if anyone heard me or saw me. They wouldn't anyway. Nobody had come looking for me. I shouldn't have run away from home like that. I had the worst panic attack in front of one of my friends and I know he thinks I'm weird now. He's going to leave me here to die.

I kept on sobbing into my hands. I heard footsteps running into the forest. I didn't care right now. It's probably some bear coming to kill me. I'm fine with that, to be honest.

Suddenly, the person dropped themselves onto their knees, and knelt by me. He gave me a hug, and started crying. "Wilbur, don't you ever leave me like that again. I was so worried about you, I've been running as fast as I can. I can't lose you, Wilbur!"

I looked up.

He really did come looking for me.. I thought he wouldn't..

I sniffled. "Phil..? You.. missed me?" I asked.

"Of course I did! You know I care! I could have helped you, you didn't have to run off and scare me like that! I would have been torn apart if I found you dead or didn't find you at all, Will!" Philza yelled, crying into my shoulder, still holding me tight. "Wilbur, you know I'm always here for you. I care about you. I love you. Like my own son or brother, Wilbur!"

Back to the present

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized I was crying. Now, I am to Tommy what Philza was to me. I smiled at that.


Word Count: 1058

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