(7) Swimming

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Tommy's POV

I woke up to being carried by Wilbur inside a house. "Hey! You could have woken me up! I'm not a baby!!" I yelled at him, angrily. I fought him to make him put me down. "Stop being a bitch baby and complaining that I carried you Tommy." Wilbur laughed.

We all sat in the living room. "First, we'll decide who stays where, and we can unpack, then we'll go to the pool and swim." Dream explained. "I love swimming!" Eret said excitedly. "Yeah it's pog." Wilbur and Techno said, then laughed. Me and Tubbo stayed silent.

What if they see how fat I look?

"Well first, let's decide who stays where. Me and Techno agreed to share a room. You guys decide who stays with who." Dream said, as he and Techno left. "I say Tubbo and Tommy stick together, as they're both minors." Eret suggested. "That's the best idea." Tubbo agreed. We all went to our rooms. There were 2 bathrooms in the house. "I'll just change in the room, with the door locked, and you go in the bathroom." Tubbo said. "I uh.. I didn't bring any swim shorts." I said. "I've got a spare." Tubbo said, and threw me some swim trunks with bananas on them. His had bees. "This is so Tubbo." I said, and went to the bathroom to change.

I came back to the room and Tubbo had his swim shorts on with a long sleeved swim shirt, and flip flops. I was wearing a short sleeved swim shirt and some flip flops as well. Me and Tubbo went to the living room and everyone else was ready. "Let's go!" Dream yelled and we all ran out. The pool was behind the house. Wilbur and Dream quickly took off their shirts and jumped in. Techno and Eret followed. Tubbo soon after, hesitantly, took off his swim shirt and then got in the pool quickly. I took off my swim shirt too and quickly hopped into the pool, hoping no one would look at me.

I ran to the pool and stepped in. I didn't have the energy to jump in.

Eret's POV

As Tubbo got in, I couldn't help but notice his arms. They both had bruises all over him. Who did this? I wondered. Suddenly, he rushed out of the pool. He sat on the concrete clutching his leg. Naturally, I jumped out to go help him. I looked at his leg to see a deep cut that didn't look any longer than three days old. I grabbed my shirt and put it around his leg. "You can just sit down for now." I told him, and he did. "I'll help you with it when we get home."

Tommy's POV

Eret was helping Tubbo while the others were watching, worriedly. I was in the corner of the pool. I was crossing my arms to try and hide what I looked like. I shouldn't have even come here.

Soon, Wilbur saw me and started swimming toward me. I kept my arms crossed. "Tommy, something wrong?" He asked. "No, no! I'm just... cold." I assured him. "I'll stay over here with you." He told me. I really didn't want him to. He'll see my body, which I'm really insecure about. "No, no, no, you can go, back over with TechnoBlade." I told him. I lowered myself in the water to where only my neck and up was showing.

"Tommy, you don't seem alright. I'm staying here with you." He said to me. "Wilbur, go!" I said a bit loudly. Tubbo looked at me but no one else seemed to notice. I was getting angry and upset. "Tommy, calm down!" He said, trying to calm me. He grabbed my hands, pulling them away from crossing over my stomach. I yanked them away, shoved him away, and crossed them again. "Get away." I said, angry.

"TOMMY!" He yelled at me. Me and Tubbo flinched (Tubbo was still watching), and the others all looked our way. "Stop it! Just go away, I've told you over and over!" I yelled. "Why?! What is making you so angry?!" He angrily said. "You don't need to know!" I yelled, and climbed out of the pool. I ran to the tables and grabbed a random shirt. It was big on me so probably Wilbur's. I ran toward the house.

Wilbur's POV

What is bothering him so much?! "I'll go and get him guys!" I yelled to everyone. "Just forget about this!"

I climbed out of the pool and looked for my shirt. I guess Tommy took it. I just grabbed a random shirt, put it on, and ran to the house.

Tommy's POV

I ran into the house. I ran to my room. I sat on my bed and started crying. Why did he have to do that? Couldn't he just let me be?!

To be continued...

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