(10) Suicide..?

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TW!! Mentions of self harm and suicide

Wilbur's POV

Tommy.. with scars on his arms.. in the bathroom. He was cutting himself. He's probably ran off to kill himself right now. I need to find him. I NEED TO FIND TOMMY!

I ran through the path of the forest. Eventually the forest started to end. I made it out of the forest, out of breath. I stopped for a second. Tommy. I don't care if I lose my breath. I will save Tommy. I kept running. It was so cold outside, but I didn't care.

I cared about Tommy.

So as soon as that forest ended, I saw a really high bridge. I knew Tommy had to be there. I heard distant screaming.

Tommy's POV

I stood at the top of the bridge, tears rolling down my face. I can't live like this anymore. I took off Wilbur's beanie and hugged it. I'm going to miss you, Wilbur. I put the beanie back on.

I climbed up on the railing of the bridge and sat on it. As I sat there, crying, I decided to let out all my pain and scream as loud as I could. So I did. I screamed at the top of my lungs into the night. I wondered if anyone would hear me. It'd probably be too late by the time they did.


I looked behind me to see Wilbur running up the bridge to me.

"TOMMY! STOP!" He pleaded. "Wi- Wilbur.." I cried. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. He had come for me.

He stood to where I could see him as I was still sitting on the railing. He put his hands on one of mine. "Tommy, please don't do this." He pleaded, crying. "We all care about you back at home. Dream tried to catch you. Eret and Tubbo heard and both started crying for you. Techno is calling the paramedics. We all love you, Tommy!"

I stared at him for a minute, tears still streaming down my face. "Wilbur, I- I.." I sniffled. "I l- love you guys too. I'm s- so sorry I had to put you th- through all this pain by m- making you see this." I told him. He helped me get down from the railing safely.

As soon as I was back on my feet, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tight. We both cried into each other's shoulders as we hugged.

"Let's go home, buddy." Wilbur said.

Suddenly Tubbo came running up the bridge. "TOMMY!" He yelled and ran to me. He had clearly been crying the whole way here. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me as well. "Tommy, don't you ever do that again. You scared us all!" He cried.

Soon, Eret, Dream, and TechnoBlade came up the bridge too. "Tommy! You're alright!" Dream yelled, relieved. "Let's go home." Wilbur said. "Oka-" I started, then a piece of wood broke that I was standing on.

I tripped and then slipped under the railing and was holding the bridge by my fingertips. "TOMMY!!" Tubbo and Wilbur screamed, rushing on their knees to try helping me. Wilbur grabbed my by the wrist, accidentally touching one of my scars, causing me to pull away. I was now just hanging on my Tubbo's hand.

He started crying. "Stay with me, big man! The paramedics are almost here! Don't let go!"

I held onto his hand as tight as I could. I could see Wilbur staring at me intensely, shaking.

I heard sirens coming close. "They're almost here Tommy, stay where you are!" Wilbur yelled.

Then my vision started getting blurry because of the tears in my eyes..

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