(11) Hospital

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TW!! Mentions of: Death, Self-Harm, Eating disorder

Tubbo's POV

I watched as Tommy's eyes became flooded with tears. He started to get drowsy. I gripped his hand tighter. "Tommy.. don't leave me!" I pleaded. His eyes slowly closed as his grip loosened. Then I saw the Tommy who had been my best friend for the past few years falling off a bridge.

"TOMMY!! NOOO!!" I screamed in terror. I failed him. He's dead now. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!

Wilbur's POV

I watched as Tommy fell off the bridge. I felt all color drain from my face. There was a loud ringing in my ears. I drowned out everyone else's screams, including Tubbo who was in so much pain from this.

Tommy just fell off a bridge..


Is gone?..

Techno's POV

I moved my long hair over my eyes, trying to hide the tears. If I had just called the paramedics faster, or done anything to help, this wouldn't have happened.

Dream seemed to notice me. He walked over to me. "Techno, this isn't your fault. It's no one's fault." He said, comforting me. "Dream.. he just fell off of this bridge!" I yelled. No one else looked over at us, as they were all crying as well.

"I understand that! He'll be okay!" Dream tried to assure me. He grabbed my arm and directed me to the railing Tommy fell from.

"The bridge isn't high enough to kill him from impact. Broken bones, of course, but unless he fell on his head he's alive." Dream told me. "We saw the way he fell, looking up at us, keeping his head up. He didn't land on his head, so he'll be in the hospital. But he will live!" Dream continued.

Tubbo and Wilbur seemed to hear him, as they were both looking at him. Wilbur looked relieved, though tears were still pouring out. Tubbo was smiling big and started wiping his tears. "T- Tommy's okay? He- He'll be a- alive?" He asked.

"Yeah, big man is okay." Dream assured him with a kind smile. "He'll be very injured but he will make it."

10 minutes later.

Tubbo's POV

The paramedics arrived at the bottom of the bridge. They found Tommy's body and lifted him into the ambulance. We all quickly went home and got in the Minivan to meet him at the hospital.

After about 20 minutes we arrived.

We went to the counter. "We're here for Tommy Innit." Wilbur told the lady. "Room 102." She said, and we all went there. There were some chairs in the hall by his room. "Only one person allowed at a time." The nurse told us. "Tubbo, you've known him longest, you can see him first." Wilbur said. I smiled and walked in.

I was not ready for what I saw.

My best ever friend attached to all these tubes, one being a feeding tube. His heartbeat on a monitor on the wall. He was still alive. I grabbed a chair and sat by his bed. I started crying. I placed my hand on his. "Tommy.. I'm so glad you're alive.." I whispered.

Tommy's POV

I woke up in a hospital to see Tubbo crying, holding my hand. "Tubbo.." I said, quietly. His eyes widened and he smiled. "Tommy?"

"I'm here, Big T." I laughed. I looked down at myself. I had so many tubes attached to myself, I was even attached to a feeding tube. I was covered in bandages. I heard someone talking in the hallway to my nurse. I recognized the voice as Wilbur's.

"Tommy, I'm so happy I get to speak to you." Tubbo smiled. "I had better head out. Wilbur may want to speak to you."

Wilbur's POV

Tubbo walked out and the nurse said I could go in. I walked in and saw Tommy.

Looking at him laying in that hospital bed just broke my heart. Seeing him on a feeding tube and on suicide watch for his cuts.

"Tommy.. If I had known about you wanting to do this, I-" I started, but he cut me off. "Wilbur, it's okay." He told me, tears forming in his eyes. "Tommy.. don't cry.." I comforted him. But he didn't stop. His tears just kept coming.

I know what I can do.

"I'll sing you something to help you calm down." I told him. "Okay.." He said.

I cleared my throat and sang his favorite song that I know of.

"I heard there was a special place.."

"Where men could go, and emancipate.."

"The brutality, and the tyranny of their rulers.."

"This place is real, you needn't fret."

"With Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, fuck Eret.."

"It's very big.."

"..and not blown up.. L'Manburg.."

"My L'Manburg.."

"My L'Manburg.."

"My L'Manburg.."

"My.. L'Man...Burg.."

I looked up at Tommy, who had calmed down. "Thank you, Wilbur. I appreciate everything you've done for me." He smiled.

The nurse walked in and told me to leave.

I left and all the others got their turn with Tommy. After, we left.

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