That Prick

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The other day, sometime in the evening I once again dragged Nimra out of her room, since she was the only one home among the girls at that time.

I had just witnessed, through the terrace, him leaving the house for a walk, and at his sight I was subjected with yet another brilliant idea.

Acting on precisely that, I brought Nimra out on to the road.

"Now what you're up to?" Nimra asked as we strode towards the gates to his house, tucking the paintbrush behind her ear. She had been painting when I caught up with her, and I never liked to interrupt people when they're doing something cool, but because I had no girl from my clan at my disposal, I had no other choice.

Let me tell you one more thing before we proceed, you should know that all my cousins are talented, I am the only one barren. I could have wallowed in self pity, but I knew perfectly well how to cope up with shit in life, much to my own credit.

"I want to water his plants." I replied with a sly smile. I really did. Brutally, though. I intended to bring the watering pipe onto the lawn, keep the water running and leave it at it. I knew he'd come back from the walk in no less than an hour, and by the time he would, his plants would surely be destroyed.

Now, I might sound evil, but trust me, if you knew he had killed all his three wives, this is exactly what you'd have done to exact what little bit revenge you're capable of bringing about. I could not see plants before three dead human bodies buried in that very lawn the beast had grown them.

With the tips of my fingers, I gave a light push to the smaller gate, and as expected, it slid back. I grinned at Nimra, who now looked as eager as I was, but just as I was about to put my right foot over the gate frame, I heard Nimra hiss out my name. There was something in her voice that I turned to look at her, afraid she had hurt herself, though just as I did, I found her already slipping away from beside me, leaving me frozen on the spot.

He was barely a couple of feet away, shooting embers at me. Great God, help me. I had never seen him this angry. With a p-cap covering his head, and failing to imprison the bangs that fell over his forehead, a light blue cotton shirt donned over his body, and striped Nike trousers, with his jaws clenched and lips pursed, he didn't look anything less than a lethal dose of infatuation. He was, after all, my first crush. Please, don't hate me though. I didn't know back then he was a murderer. I was thirteen!

At the back of my mind, I already started seeing him pulling me into his house, slamming my head into the wall again and again, and then burying me in that very lawn. My hands turned cold at the thought of it, breath caught up in my throat. "I-I was - I just came-" I trailed off. His gaze was so hard, I thought it was enough to knock me out if I looked long enough.

"Hm?" He arched an eyebrow.

I swallowed and averted my gaze. "I just - I came to find you."

"Or to ruin my plants?" He offered.

Oh shoot, he had heard. Blast you Nimra, you're a bitch for me leaving me alone in this.

"You're Agha Zaman's daughter, aren't you?

I shook my head, stupefied. He shouldn't know, he shouldn't know.

"You are."

"No, please. Don't." I murmured.

"Go back home." He spoke with a deadly calm. His handsome features were no consolation. Why are evil people always good looking?

"Don't tell Baba, please." I tried again.

"Go home." Came the cold reply.

"Will you tell him?" I asked meekly.

A muscle in his cheek twitched, just like Stefan Salvatore's did. "I might." He said, and then he sidestepped me, going into the house. Without sparing me even a single glance, he slammed the door at my face.

That prick!


You must be wondering what's up with me, and you must think it's time I should better indulge into a detailed account of my family story. But it's not, yet. I will come to it, don't worry, just not now.

So, the day when I had tried to ruin his crops, I had spent the next couple of days in sheer agitation, dreading the moment when Baba would call me to his room to demand some very crucial answers. However, that day thankfully never came. And after that, I didn't really get to pull another stunt. Not at all because I was afraid, na, never, rather it just didn't occur to me. I had more interesting things on my mind, you see.
What is, you must ask. Well, then, let's head into it straight away.


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