It was fun

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People call me crazy, but no surprise there, because I have no doubt that I most definitely am crazy. Though the way this world works, I would be ripped off my jovial charisma through the hands of our evil societal norms. But since there's no rush to get into depressing shit right away, let's get some fun first.

So, I did reckless things, and trust me when I say reckless, I actually mean quite diabolical and wicked for my family. Getting caught is not easy, but the few times I did, I did so without regret. Guilt is unknown to me. Why? Because I never hurt people . . . Or that's what I thought.

To give you a hint of my perfect life before the "tragedy", I'll narrate a few memories I still cherish.

Just a couple of days ago before it all happened, it was early in the morning, not long after the prayers - the sun was gradually coming up. And watching the orange celestial orb, a bulb in my mind glowed at its highest intensity. For the first two hours after the prayers, I was always the only one out of my room, the rest either getting last minute sleep or getting ready for work in case of men.

I never did such activities alone, I liked to show off how I was the coolest and the ballsiest girl in the family, so Nimra always had to tag alone.

I practically pulled her tawny figure out of her bed, as she yawned and scratched her head, from the look of her face possibly trying to figure out who she was. Dragging her barefoot down to the lounge, I kept taking long steps until we were out by the gates and the guard gave us a quizzical look.

Fluidly ignoring his bland face, I unlatched the smaller gate and stepped out onto the street just as from somewhere far away a rooster crowed.

"Warda!" A bewildered, breathy voice escaped Nimra's throat and I turned to look at her sleepy mess, with her hair sticking up in all directions.

"Just watch what I'll just do." I grinned stupidly, but before I could have taken another step forward, I saw three other figures coming towards us.

Ah, my bitches.

My grin stretched up even further. I stepped back into the house and waited for them to reach us, as I skipped twice to ease the burning excitement.

The three of them looked at least a little better than Nimra, I'll give them that. Seriously, they should start getting up early, like I do.  .  . No they shouldn't, they'd only end up ruining my peace. I was better off being the only one in the house, it was so calm and enticing I didn't want to share it with anyone.

"You were going to pull another stunt were you?" Aisha sounded weird, her voice came out nasal. Did she have flu?

"Yes, and you thought why not snoop?" I let out a mock giggle, an attempt to mimick her.  She was at it the entire last week when we went to a wedding. She just couldn't keep her mouth shut in front of the guy she thought was cute, and later when that same guy pursued her, he even said it himself that she laughs a lot. And yeah, it didn't work out.

Wajiha rolled her eyes. "We're giving you an audience, douchebag, that you're always craving for."

I felt the urge to kick her ass. "That is not true!" I said through clenched teeth. Do I, though, look for attention all the time?... Nah, she was definitely bluffing.

"I want to sleep, Warda." Nimra freaking whimpered. I looked at her with mild disgust. What the hell was up with her? "Get done with it already!"

"Fine." I snapped, annoyance seeping in, my mood now ruined. Turning around, I stepped out the gate once again and this time without a pause I went straight to the car standing next door.

His pretty white City.

I crouched down, and as I looked at the perfectly round rear tyre, the grin came back up on my face. I sensed the girls circling around me as I fished the nail from my trousers' pockets, the one I had found lying on the centre table in the lounge.

Mustering up all the energy I had left from my empty stomach, I pierced the tyre, listening and then fluidly ignoring the urgent whispers of the girls hovering above me. When I heard and felt the air whistling out from where I had punctured, I stood up, my mouth split up as if I had just won a marathon.

All the girls eyed me as if I was crazy, which I no doubt was, though Nimra, now wide awake, too had a mischievous glint to her eyes. That's why I liked her the best.

"Oh, shoot Warda, shoot, he's coming." Aisha whispered in a rush, her eyes wide and frightened. And just like that all the color drained from my face. I didn't turn around, I could already feel my blood running cold.

"Run." I said, my eyes trained at the open gate of our house. And then without looking back even once I leapt forward, others at my heels.

It was fun.


I've remained engaged in such activities in the past as well. It most definitely wasn't the first time. So basically, I started out four years ago, when I was sixteen. I had freshly learned about what a true horrific beast he was, and obviously I was traumatized. This was my coping mechanism, and it gave me immense pleasure to see him suffer.

Later when we had safely reached inside the premises of our safe haven, where we were guaranteed forever safety from him, I had climbed up to the terrace, just to enjoy the state of him calling someone over the phone, with a very vexed expression mounted on his face. Some maintenance guy probably. Served him right, I tell you, to be worried like that.


Hey guys!
This is another story that's fresh out of my mind. But I have it written down only a couple of pages. So I might not be able to update daily this time. I hope you'll stay with me to the end though :)

P.s the house is Warda's

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