Lovely Host

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It was a freaking iPhone - latest model, to put cherry on cake. Why did he get me that? He could've gotten me just any phone, why the hell go through such extravagance, or perhaps he did really have such a crazy amount of money in his account that was no use to him. But whatever the case, I would never have thought I'd have an iPhone all to myself, like ever.
I was obviously excited, but my guilt increased too. Baba Jaan shouldn't have thrust me on him. Why did Agha Hasan get to waste his time and money with a person he never even wanted to get to know? And now he had to go through such lengths to keep me comfortable in his house.

Well, one thing was clear, he sure was a very hospitable host. And lovely too.

Agha Hasan returned from his room almost two hours later, while I tried my best to understand the functions of the new device. From the corners of my eyes I saw him walk into the kitchen, and keeping the packings of the mobile set by my side, I unpaused the streaming of the series I was watching.

I didn't realise I was unconsciously waiting for him to call me for dinner until he did and I almost sprang to my feet with a jerk. Switching the television off, for the episode had finished by that time, I went to the table and settled down on my usual chair.

I had been wanting to tell him of my study plan since I'd decided on it. I couldn't wait to actually resume my student life once again, it had been too long since I had felt what studying day and night and giving exams and going to your campus and making new friends felt like. I had already started picturing it all. But for the last couple of hours I had been having second thoughts about it.

It wasn't his responsibility to pay for my expenses. I mean, it shouldn't have been. It's not like he willingly signed up for it. And the university I had chosen to take the path of, wasn't that cheap. While I felt bad for him, I also didn't want him to back out because then my dreams to take on higher studies would once again be swept under the rug. I knew I was being selfish, but come on, who doesn't want that? So I'd been wanting to learn what he'd say, if he'd still want to get along with his offer no matter how much it'd cost him, or whether he'd excuse himself. Of course, I'd act as if I too didn't want him to, so that he'd get the idea that I wasn't in favour of forced rights.

So as I filled my platter with a ladle full of spicy minced meat that Amir had cooked, I said in a low voice, wondering if he was still mad, for earlier he sounded like he was. "You got me an iPhone."

"I'm aware." I heard him say.

Taking a half piece of naan bread from under the cloth spread on a bamboo wood platter, I brought it to my plate and gave him a brief glance. "But why? You could have-"

"I like to shop only the best of the things." He imparted, his voice still sounded impassive.

It was a sudden change in his mood from the last few days, and I found I wasn't a fan of it at all. Raising my eyes to look at him as he prepared a morsel, capturing minced meat between a bent chunk of naan, I said, unable to take his sourness anymore. "Are you mad?"

He looked up as he brought the morsel to his mouth, and said before taking it in. "Pardon?"

"Are you mad at me?" I repeated.

His eyebrows knitted together as he chewed and, once he had swallowed he said, "No. What gave you the impression?"

I lowered my gaze, playing idly with the naan in my plate, I shrugged. "You just-I don't know, all a sudden you just sound less friendly." I muttered, and added when he didn't immediately reply. "I know I'm a burden on you but I didn't-"

"You're definitely not a burden." He finally said, and I met his gaze briefly before looking away, "And I'm not mad at you either. I am just a man of discipline and morals, unnecessary suspicions on my geniality ticks me off."

"Okay." I said with a nod and quietened after that, cowering as I slid back on the chair, shoulders hunched, head bowed. All of a sudden I was feeling like a helpless, stranded young woman under the mercy of an older man who's been doing services to me one after the other.

Favors are a cruel thing when you're at the receiving end of it. They tie you up with the person making you lay your hands down without even raising them at all.

"Did you then work out what you want to study?" He asked after a while. I was halfway through my dinner, and he was finished with it. My speed is quite slow.

"Yes. But the fee is too much." I worried.

"The fee does not matter. What's the program of your interest?"

Before I could answer, Amir came to the table and picking the empty plates he walked away. Swallowing the food, I looked up at Agha Hasan who now sat with his hands clasped on the table, and back against the chair, eyes at me. "English Literature."

"Great. And what's the university of your choice?"

"LUMS." I pronounced timidly.

His mouth curled up into a smile, and I wondered what was so funny. "Well, as far as I am aware, LUMS is not that expensive."

If he said so. "It did seem like a lot of digits."

He exhaled a laugh. "Trust me it's not. And I personally know someone from the management, so a tour for you would be arranged. Get all your documents ready, but if you don't have them I'll ask Amir to get them from your house for you, do you now?"

I shook my head.

"Okay. I'll tell Amir, and you'll get the forms tomorrow. Done?"

I nodded, a faint, reluctant smile inching up on my face. "Thank you."

"The pleasure is all mine." He smiled back.

I turned all my attention to the food, gobbling the remaining quickly as it was turning unbearably cold. When I was done, Agha Hasan immediately rose to his feet as if he'd been waiting for me to finish.

"Amir has got a tub of ice-cream for you. Have it while you watch Netflix, I'll be working in my room."

"Okay." I said, gazing up at him.

Picking his phone from the table, he started to his left but then stopped and turned a little to face me. "Would you be required to have an entrance test?"


"Got it." And with that he walked away. I saw him go into his room and close the door.

Once back in mine, my eyes landed on his laptop and I decided to hand it over right away. Picking it up from the bedside table, I exited the room and knocked at the door to his.

"Come in." His voice sounded from the inside.

I chewed on my lower lip, wondering if I should step in. But then I said, "It's me."

I heard the shuffle of feet from the opposite end and then the door was slid apart from the frame. I held up the laptop.

"Oh, I needed that. Thank you, Warda."

Wasn't I supposed to thank him? So I made go with a shrug, not knowing what to say.

And when he arched his eyebrows I realised I was still standing there outside his room, looking probably like a goof.

"Nothing." I flushed, vigorously shaking my head and whipped around to leave.

I enjoyed Netflix with ice-cream after that, the rain and its effects completely forgotten.


A/n: Finally got the time to write something. It's not much, considering I was away for the last couple of days. I'll try to make the chapter at least of 2,000 words from now on. I have my fingers crossed though, lol.

Please do let me know your thoughts in the comments, it will mean a lot. And please don't forget to vote too.

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