Clear My Name

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I came home after submitting the fee with the voucher and spent the rest of the day watching Netflix. He returned at some point during the evening and stayed in his room till dinner. It would have put me a little on edge for I don't like spending any other time except for the early mornings alone. He could have at least bothered to give me some company. But I wasn't much fussed because gratitude for his time back at his workplace was still fresh in my heart.

When he came out cladded in white cotton trousers and a gray full sleeved shirt, hair like always combed to a side with few bangs of it hanging over his forehead, I thought I could stare at him for hours on end. But just as the notion crossed my mind I immediately pronounced a string of Astaghfaar, embarrassed at myself. I didn't notice though that it was the first time staring at him didn't remind me of Mohib. Maybe the time I had spent thinking about him was thinning against the moments I had marveled at Agha Hasan's unexpectedly chivalrous behaviour combined with magnificent looks - what a delightful combo honestly.

"If you're finished, would you mind switching to a news channel?" He asked as he walked to the dining table and sat down on his chair.

"Sure." Jumping to my feet from the couch, I exited the Netflix, and flicked the channels until I got the required one. I placed the remote back on the center table and went to the table to join him for dinner. Amir set the table as I thought back to the productive morning and the quick tour he gave me around the building, explaining technicalities of the little things that transpired there during the working hours. It was the first time in my entire life I had gone out of the house with no one but a driver - a non mahram basically - and made work happen - a fruitful endeavour. I felt proud of myself and my value raised in my own eyes. I wondered what Mama Jaan would say - maybe that I'd grown a little more mature and sensible, maybe that it was a start that I could be capable of taking care of myself. Remembering her, I felt a hollow spasm in my heart, bringing a sudden overwhelming rush of longing to sprout in my veins.

"Is something wrong?" His voice gently pulled me out of my reverie.

"Huh?" I blinked, looking up at him, who's gaze was focused at me.

With his eyes he gestured towards my plate. "You're not eating."

I found it full when I looked down, confusion etching up on my face because I clearly remembered I hadn't put anything on it. Did he?

"Do you not like mutton as well, Warda?" His eyebrows arched up. He was looking at me with utmost attention making me highly conscious and nervous of myself.

I avoided his stare. "No, it's not that. I was just missing Mama Jaan."

"Hm." Agha Hasan straightened up on his chair, and tapped his nails on the table. "Let's see what we can do about that."

"Oh no, it's fine." I shook my head. "Please don't bother yourself." How will I ever be able to live with such humongous weight of his favors on my shoulders?

"I won't be." Passing me a soft smile he indulged himself back with the food, his eyes flicking to the LED across every now and then.

There was no doubt Amir was a wonderful cook, I admitted as I took a morsel of the mutton with naan bread into my mouth, but I wondered if Agha Hasan still wished to eat food cooked by a woman. Would he be going to ask me to prepare his meals any day now? And with that all the duties as his wife would begin to fuse into my life. No matter how nice and good looking he was, I didn't want to live in this house all my life. I still wanted to go back to my family, and bring back all that I'd lost, bring everything back on the very track it had slipped from.

When will the truth be finally revealed for them to see that I was innocent? How long would I have to wait? Did he know, though? Did Agha Hasan know that I was innocent? Or had he believed the story Agha Jaan had relayed to him? Why wouldn't he, I mean how well did he even know me to think it wasn't true? So did he think I had a tainted character, that I couldn't be trusted just like the rest of the men of my house did?

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