I'm aware Vanny may be Security girl, for the sake of this chapter she isn't

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But then everything went black and Vanny had woken up, the fact Glitchtrap was glitching out must have been a dream? Vanny sat up out of her bed and processed what was going on So apparently Jayden isn't glitching out, that was just a dream and I somehow dreamt that like it was real...jeez that's a lot to take in.

Glitchtrap/Jayden then walked in. " Hey Vanny, you good? " He must have realized Vanny had that look on her face like What the heck just happened Vanny would just look over at Jayden. " Yeah I'm fine Jayden. Anyways what'd you come in here for? " "I have a mission for you. " He said.

Vanny was standing at the entrance of the arcade, Hilton Arcade to be exact on 666 Hilton road (that's made up btw). Vanny was assigned to kill a child named Gregory, she questioned why Glitchtrap wanted her to kill a child but she was sure it was for good intentions. The bunny squad only killed bad people. Trust me Vanny wouldn't be doing this if this was an innocent person she was told to kill. She wanted to ask Glitchtrap why but when she first joined the bunny squad she was specifically told " DO NOT ASK ME QUESTIONS " from Glitchtrap. It was kind of suspicious but Vanny knew Glitchtrap very well, so she just put it aside then she started to walk around searching for Gregory.

~Bit later~
Vanny had been loreing a couple of children in a hidden area of the arcade. Like a dark hidden area she could kill them. Well, these were some of her little brother's bullies. But then a girl wearing a uniform, one from the arcade, it was grey, blonde hair in a ponytail, green eyes and sense I wanna be extra, she was wearing a bracelet. A white bead bracelet. She would look over at Vanny, the gig is up. " HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! " the girl shouted getting a others' attention as they looked over. Vanny would have started running off, going threw every crowded area trying to lose the security guard. But the security guard wasn't gonna lose her the security guard was chasing after her. Vanny would have stopped by a crowd of people. She would then break one of the arcade machines with her knife then she ran off. This time losing the security guard. Vanny would have walked out of the arcade. She started thinking about what had happened. She was thankful she got out alive, and she was thankful, Glitchtrap wasn't as rude as people thought Glitchtrap was. He wasn't very strict so Vanny wasn't worried about getting in trouble. But Vanny started thinking about the security guard. She would try ignoring the thought and Vanny would have started to walk off to her home. She couldn't get back to the bunny squad without her vr headset. Vanny kept thinking about the security guard though, that really confused Vanny why she kept thinking about her though. But she just thought she kept thinking about her sense that was the first ever security guard to actually catch Vanny. Which that meant she probably needed more training. At least she knew what she was doing when she got home. Well after she checked in with the bunny squad.

(Time skip to the next day)

" I told you Glitchtrap I'll stay focused.... Stop being so worried! "

Vanny was assigned another mission in the arcade. Glitchtrap was also kind of worried knowing Vanny wasn't focused last time.
" If you end up arrested because you zoned out when the cops were on they're way you know you're gonna be in jail for awhile. None of us know how to break you out. No wait, you could even get put on death row. SO STAY FOCUSED PLEASE! "

" I will don't worry! " Vanny looked over at Glitchtrap one more time, then she took the headset off. Entering the real world. Vanny walked out of her home and down the street to the arcade. " What if this was all fake? What if Glitchtrap and his squad are all fake? What if you don't actually have twins and your brain is just to addicted to the game to understand reality from fiction? " It was a random thought. Why would she think something as random as that though? Vanny would just giggle then decide it was only a random thought, asides she was already at the arcade. She checked who she had to kill one last time.  Gregory Jeremy  Ibulation , another child. Vanny disliked killing children.  She'd walk inside the arcade.  " Now you question if wearing a rabbit costume is to suspicious " Vanny looked around for the kid but then she saw the security girl. " Great she's here again " Vanny said with sarcasm. Vanny decided to just find the kid and get the job done. But then you question " wait why does he want me to kill the child? " Vanny thought out loud. But then she realized that was a bad idea. The security guard heard her. Vanny wasn't really trained for if she got caught. This was her weak point. Vanny started panicking. " *BLEEP* *BLEEP* *BLEEP* WHAT DO I DO?! " Vanny just decided to run off. " SCREW GETTING ARRESTED I'M OUT OF HERE! " Vanny announced. But Vanny wasn't looking for where she was going and she ran into a wall, no not just a wall a corner. Well crap guess the security girl has Vanny cornered. Vanny just took a deep breath and raised her hands up, excepting defeat.

(time skip a bit, like 30 minutes)

Vanny was sitting in a semi empty room. There was a plain white fold up table, two fold up chairs, one on each side of the table  she was sitting in one of them and there was a window, a singular window. On the right side of the room. The walls were a dirty grey color. Vanny was ashamed she got caught, but well you can't do anything about it now. The security girl had walked in and took a seat in the open fold up chair. " So, I'm gonna be nice to you even though I shouldn't be. Listen my name is Vanessa. Now tell me your name " Vanny stayed silent for a bit. But she took a deep breath after a bit and said, " It's Vanny " Rachel had brought in a checklist and she marked something down on it. " Alright... Ms.Vanny, why were you loreing innocent children into a hidden part of the arcade? " Vanny was just panicking to be honest but she just said " I'm sorry but the rules of the bunny squad say I can't tell you. " Vanny then looked a bit confused. Clearly she didn't know who the bunny squad was. " What's the bunny squad? " She asked in a stern tone. " It's a squad I live with. My best friends runs the squad and sadly it's full of children sense my friend couldn't get any other members. " Vanessa marked something down on the checklist. " Who else is in the squad, and is the squad also murderers? " Vanny would adjust her mask then say " The squad doesn't want me saying they're actual names, but the code names are Glitchie, Glitchtrap, Dressine, Yessi Bun, Scaredy, Scaredy's Twin and me Vanny. There's also Baby Jonathan but he technically isn't a member yet " Vanessa looked very confused. " And are they also murderers? " She asked, but that wasn't the reason why she was confused. " Yes they are. Me and Glitchtrap taught the kids how to murder, Scaredy, Dressine and Yessi don't murder anyone, Yessi used to but she doesn't anymore. " Rachel would mark something down on the checklist. " Alright, how many people has your squad killed? " Vanny would go silent and think for a bit, to be honest she didn't really know. " Let's assume around 200 " Vanny said hesitantly. " That's quite a lot....you sure? " Vanny would nod. Vanessa would mark something down on her checklist. " Now take the mask off. " Vanny stayed silent. It was a rule, you can't take the mask off....that was obvious! Glitchtrap's orders. ' I can't Vanessa. " Vanessa would take a deep breath. " You have to " She said sternly. Vanny was now panicking. She wasn't allowed to take the mask off. Vanny would shake her head. Vanessa would stand up from her seat and slam her hand on the table. " DO.IT.NOW. " Vanny would jump back. She was scared clearly. She didn't like yelling at all, she dealt with to much yelling in the past due to her ex boyfriend. Vanny would stare at Vanessa, she would get in trouble if she took the mask off....but what else could she really do....?Vanny had decided she had to take the mask off, so she started taking it off but before she actually took it off the fire alarm started ringing. Vanessa had then grabbed Vanny's hand and ran out the building. It was instinct. Yet in the middle of the hallway someone knocked Vanessa out, it was Glitchie. " I- Thanks Boss 2.0 " Vanny said to Glitchie. Glitchie would take a deep breath sense it was getting hot in her suit and she'd say " No problem, you're lucky Lisa found out you got arrested though. Or else you'd be screwed. " Vanny just looked away from Glitchie, she went deep into thought.  " Wait....Glitchtrap is gonna be mad....and he'll be even more angry if he finds out I almost revealed my identity to Vanessa.....! " Glitchie was clearly staring at Vanny " Chill, my brother doesn't know. He won't find out if you don't tell him, don't worry Vanny " Vanny would take a deep breath " Oh thank goodness I really didn't wanna get in trouble. "  Glitchie would throw the bat she used to knock Vanessa out over in a random room. " Wanna head back to the base now? " Glitchie asked. Vanny would nod then they both walked out of the building and back to the base.

Author note:
I copy and pasted this from the Vanny x Security guard story because they could be the same person and I'm not continuing that story anymore until I learn otherwise. So if you guys don't read that story this chapter is completely new to you! For the people that read both stories sorry for the inconvenience.

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