getting to know you -part 4

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I woke up it was Tuesday today,sue had told school about my accident and that I wouldn't be going for a while,even though I was in pain I was kinda glad because I didn't have to go to school.

Evan was coming again to see sue today,it was just so weird we'd never seen this person now he's going to be here all the time,I'm positive sue is going to take him in to our home too I can just tell her being s counsellor and a foster mom you just know that she's going to.


I was going to see sue again today,when I went yesterday, to talk about the cars she started telling me about counselling, and I just let spill about my mum leaving me she's been really supportive,but I kinda want to speak to jess alone,weve barely talked I know but there's something about her. It was 12:00 so I was going to go to theirs now,I took a shower and put on my greed T-shirt and black jeans I walked downstairs got my keys from the door,put on my converse and started walking to their house.

It wasn't that far away from mine I'm surprised I'd never seen them before although I think I've seen jess at school once.


I got dressed and went down stairs to sit on the couch,sue was out at the supermarkt so I put American horror story on I was on the 4th season and I had only started it about a month ago...

There was a knock at the door,we weren't expecting anyone I thought to myself.

When I opened the door Evan was stood there he looked..amazing,I stood staring for a while.

"Helloooo" he said laughing as I was transfixed,"oh hi,come in"

Sue hadn't told me he was coming so soon.

"Is sue not here?" "Erm no she went to the shops to get some food"

I said walking over to sit back on the couch,he sat next to me stiffly,he looked so good today his hair messy but just perfect,oh god what was I saying I can't like him,I've only just met him,in such a strange way aswell.


She looked beautiful I couldn't take my eyes off her,I'd only known her 2 days and we'd barely talked but I just felt right with her."how old are you jess"shit I don't know why I just said that

"I'm 16,just" she laughed "you?"

"I'm 18" I said,she was blushing and I felt a smile on my face,I was happy that I was older than her I'm not sure why,I just liked it.


"I'm really sorry about the crash,I would never want to hurt you jess"she looked up from the TV," lookits fine,it wasn't your fault,anyway we got to meet haha" I loved seeing her laugh she looked beautiful,I hadnt seen her smile before this she looked so sad when she isn't smiling,I wanted to know why,there was just so much going on in her brain and I wanted to know so badlky and comfort her.

I was getting over my mum by now if she hadn't of gone I wouldn't be able to be talking to jess right now,so to b honest I didn't give a shit.


Sue still wasn't back! I didn't mind though I'd spent the last 2 hours talking to Evan and it felt great,ever did this I eer told anyone about me,or my life,but with Evan it was just so easy,I didn't like it though,I hadn't told him about my mom and dad yet though,but he knew sue was my foster mom, I suppose he didn't want to ask to offend or upset me, this made me like him more.

He was getting inside my head the more and more we talked, it was crazy it's like we'd known each other all our lives just chatting away like this,every so often we'd have this long eye contact that neither of us wanted to break.he had the best eyes,these big dark brown eyes that dragged you in so I had to look away.

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