Chapter 8: Tsun

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('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

'A character's thoughts'

There are three circular rings of secret service agents that create a perimeter with the American President at the center: the outer ring is a preliminary check by local police, the middle is the agents who search people for weapons, and then the inner circle is the last line of defense surrounding the President. 

Larry Barnett is a 33 year old former Navy SEAL now a bald CIA agent wearing the typical sunglasses and tux with a simple yet stressful job: the outer ring. Sometimes, the higher ups would put him in the inner circle, usually he would be in the middle ring, but this was one of the few rare times he was assigned a job in the outer ring. The President is currently standing at a podium giving a speech in front of the capitol building of Denver with thousands of people in attendance, as most Presidents do if they are in his shoes and running for a second term, which he is.

This President, Charlie White (17), 47 years old, is one of the rare few American leaders who is actually loved; no identity politics, no catering to the global elite, no lying, no corruption, and above all, no bullshit. He truly cares about the well-being of his people, and he was loved for it by 99% of the country. Well, most of the country anyway aside from a few million brainwashed morons who still watch the news. Because of this, he is almost certainly going to get re-elected. 

However, the 1% rich wants him dead. This includes corrupt CEO's of most major corporations, political rivals, petty lawyers, bribed cops, Pedowood actors, the mainstream media, leaders of foreign nations, the mafia, and the Mexican cartel. The Eternal Revenue Service also wishes that he would wound up dead by "accident" or "suicide" for taking away all the money that they kept to themselves, tax money that wasn't theirs in the first place, money they laundered like fraudulent scumbags.

But above all, the ones who wish him an early demise more than anyone is none other than the Chinese government. There are two reasons: 

First of all, he permanently banned all trade with China to stop Americans from buying Chinese-made products, which means no more money to go to China. After all, China sells horribly fragile products at insanely high and unfair prices like apple's iPhone. Instead, President White created many industries where all products that Americans need to buy are made in local factories that he built; the cost of production was high, but it was absolutely worth it since products are made so much faster with the help of robots and AI. No more relying on cheap child slave labor unlike the communists. The economy suffered a brief recession at first, but now, it is at an all time high. Companies like Apple were relocated from Hong Kong to Seattle where they belong. The path for a bright future for America is now set, and all President White could do is hope that future Presidents actually help pay off the nation's mutli-trillion dollar debt to China, but China is none too pleased that they keep delaying the payment. 

Second of all, in early February, he somehow managed to immediately prevent the spread of a terrible global pandemic by permanently banning all travel between the two nations. Of course, this decision came under immediate scrutiny while he apologized to all Chinese-Americans who wouldn't be able to travel anymore to see their families in the CCP, but it is for the best. This decision, however, has recently caused serious military tension between the two countries, and many other nations have chosen to either play peacekeeper or prepare for a World War 3 scenario by arming themselves and pointing their nukes at each other. Russia chose to play the peacekeeper while the United States and China standoff against one another in the Pacific, their navies ready to deploy. Most of Europe is ready to support the US while most of Asia is supporting China. The US military is currently in DEFCON 2. 

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