Chapter 16: Training Part 3 of 14 - 4D Chess

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('Ddraig speaking telepathically')

("Ddraig talking out loud")

['Albion speaking telepathically']

["Albion talking out loud"]

{'Bahamut speaking telepathically'}

'A character's thoughts'

Chapter 16: Training Part 3 of 14 - 4D Chess


"Loki," Thanos called out to one of the two gods kneeling before him.

"Y-Yes, mighty Thanos?"

"I have a task for you and your brother, Baldur. The two of you cannot speak to anyone about this, not even your own father or that Thor pest."

Baldur turned to his 'brother', exchanging looks. In truth, his mother, as much as he hates to admit it, is Freya while his father is Odin. His only full-blooded sibling is Thor, but he had no problem working alongside their adopted youngest since both of them hate the other Aesir.

Loki didn't dare to look up. His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy (48). "You have my word that we will not tell anyone. What is it you seek?"

Thanos grinned evilly. "Your beloved Asgard holds something I need, something that will help us, the Khaos Brigade, win against our enemies. It's called the Eye of Agamotto. It holds the Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones. Unfortunately only an Aesir can access the place it is kept in."

. . . . . . .

Timeskip Two Days

Day 4 of 120 Training Days


Baldur was beyond frustrated. The task Thanos gave to him and his partner was supposed to be very simple, and yet it is impossible to accomplish due to their current predicament. The pair of brothers arrived at the vault somewhere high in the Asgardian royal castle only to find out that the security detail guarding the door is one they will never get past: Thor and Odin. The two gods sat comfortably in front of the gate, drinking tea. They even set up a bunk bed in the way, showing that they intend to guard it 24/7 even while asleep.

If they arrived a couple of days earlier before Odin summoned the Red Dragon Emperor, they would have already accomplished their objective.

"Do you need something, brothers?" Thor asked, smirking smugly. They mistook it for condescension when it was nothing more than a smile that said 'caught red-handed.'

Baldur badly wanted to fight him. "Why you!"

Loki calmly stopped him by placing a hand on his shoulder. "No, it's nothing." He turned to Baldur, who could sense the annoyance in his foster brother's eyes, and whispered. "Let's go."

A shit-eating grin creeps onto Thor's face as they walked away.

. . . . . . .

In another dimension, a raven-haired boy opened his eyes with a loud gasp. He clutched his chest in pain at the memory of his self-planned and successful assassination as this is the first time he awoke since.

After calming down, he looked around and realized where he is once he studied his surroundings. A small, houseless shrine floating in the middle of the sky in its own dimension and bathed in the golden light of a distant sun.

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