C H A P T E R 6: girl talk

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a few days after the hurricane, kiara and i decided to hang out on her next day off, this time without being interrupted by our favorite blonde boy.

i pull into the carrera's driveway, the twinkie looking out of place in an area like figure eight, but i don't focus on that, and instead i focus on how angry my brother is going to be when he finds out i took his beloved van without permission. i turn off the ignition and hop out of the vehicle, closing the door shut. it bangs closed a little too hard, and for a second i pause hoping that the thing doesn't fall apart right here. if john b could hear my thoughts, he'd scold me for thinking so lowly of his baby, and say, "you know my girl is stronger than that." i shake my head, as if i'm shaking the thoughts away, and hurry up to the front door.

i knock, peering into the glass as i see the tanned girl approaching with an excited smile. she opens the door and welcomes me with open arms.

"hey!" she exclaims with a giggle, throwing her arms around me.

i reciprocate the gesture, "hi!"

"you won't believe how long i've been trying to get you all to myself, because boy do i have a lot to tell you," she sighs, pulling herself away and signaling for me to follow her deeper into the house. as i trail after her and towards the familiar kitchen, i can't help but think about if or how much different my life would be if i was born into a rich family like hers.

jj always says that he would never want to be a kook- that he's a pogue at heart and will always be one, but i think the luxury of having nearly everything at your fingertips whenever you want it is nice too. along with never having to worry about how the next electricity bill will get paid. besides, you don't have to be a total douche if you're a kook, i mean look at kie as opposed to the camerons. well, not exactly including sarah, and don't tell the others i said that. i just think that she really wants to be one of us, and not only scene as the rich popular girl who all the girls on figure eight want to be, and who all the boys on figure eight want to be with. honestly though, i'd be lying if i said i didn't want to be her too.

"you thirsty?" the dark haired girl asks.

"hm, do you have lemonade?" i ask, taking a seat at the marble island.

"is pink okay?" she responds.

"perfect, actually."

she grabs two glasses from the clean cut cabinets, and pries open the fridge as she starts to speak, "so," she starts. "i think that your brother and sarah cameron are sneaking around."

nevermind. i guess i lied because i no longer want to be sarah cameron, i just want the lifestyle. i think to myself, almost letting a giggle slip past my lips at my thoughts.

"is that so?" i smile. "why do you say that?"

"well for one thing," she pours the pink liquid. "she and topper have been arguing way more recently, like even in public."

"why, they were at the wreck?"

kiara nodded her head grabbing two metal straws from a drawer and slipping them into the cups, "mhm," she hums. "but that's not all," she slides one over to me, sipping her own. "john b walked in after a shift, and tell me why she glanced over at him and she was blushing," she raised her eyebrows with a smirk playing on her plump lips.

"really," i gaped. "who would've thought that the kook princess and her daddy's little helper would be hooking up."

"i know, how romantic," she laughed.

"quite the love trope," i added.

"also, apparently, rafe has some real drug issues because while sarah and topper were like silently arguing- of course, to not cause a scene- i passed by to deliver and order and heard him say, 'your druggie brother'."

i grimaced at the mention of rafe's name, "i mean i bet a lot of kooks do, they have the money. besides i went to a kook party once, and the amount of cocaine that a i saw was outrageous," i chuckled.

"seriously," kiara agreed, fiddling with her straw. "so, anything new with you?"

"hm, not much."

"c'mon," she drawled. "tell me about your breakfast date with your little boyfriend," she teased.

"first off, it was simply breakfast between two hungry people," i began. "second of all, he's most definitely not my boyfriend."

"yeah... totally," she said sarcastically. "tell that to the way you two look at each other."

"we don't look at each other in any sort of way. i look at jj the same way i look at pope."

"well you don't have hearts in your eyes, and you aren't going completely ga-ga when you look at pope."

"you sure about that?" i quipped back, obviously kidding.

"oh, so you and pope now?" she smiled, following along with my joke. "wow, you really move on fast."

"i mean, can you blame me?" i giggled, sipping my drink.

"definitely not," she laughed.

"glad we can both agree pope is fine as fuck."

"yeah, but you know who else is too?" the girl continued to tease.

"kie," i said with a more serious tone. "i've decided that i don't like him like that. i mean, maybe i do, but even so, it's best if i don't. and besides, have you seen his history with girls? i refuse to fall for jj maybank."

"whatever helps you sleep at night," she shrugged.

"i just feel like i don't want to ruin our friendship if it doesn't work out. he's quite literally one of my best friends and i'd rather pine after him than risk what we have."

"so you're admitting that you're pining after him?"

"that's not the point," i rolled my eyes playfully, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips.

"honestly, y/n, i think you should do whatever your little heart desires. y'know do whatever you think is best for you. if you're willing to take that risk, then i say just do it. but let's just say things don't work out in that way, yours and jj's relationship is wayyy too strong to get ruined over a silly little mistake.

i sighed, "i'll think about it."

"great! now enough about boys, let me show you what i got when i went shopping yesterday."

"yes," i squealed, hopping up from my seat so fast that the beverage sloshed in it's container.

the two of us hurried up the stairs, the thoughts of the male species quickly subsiding.

word count: 1145

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