C H A P T E R 2: miss. agatha

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after a day on the boat and dinner at the wreck, we all call it a night.

i bid my short goodbyes to kiara and pope, as their parents wanted them home before the storm, and told them to stay safe.


boom! boom! boom!

"HEY! JOHN B!?" jj shouted from his spot on the old, leather couch in the château.

"YEAH?" came a shout from the other room.


i could practically hear the blood rushing to my face. but then again i couldn't tell if i went pale, or bright red.

jj turned to face me and winked, "kidding, don't flatter yourself," he whispered. but, he knew what was coming.

the floor board creaked as a messy haired boy appeared in the door way, "i swear to god, jj," he pointed his hammer at jj as he snickered. "if you try anything with her i'll nail you to a surf board, send you out right now, and let this hurricane sweep you away."

"i'm only kidding, j," the blonde laughed, "but seriously hurry up because i think a severe headache is forming," he rubbed his head.

"maybe it's from all the beers you chugged," i mumbled with a soft laugh.

"don't go saying that, you'll make me sound like an alcoholic," he chuckled. "besides, pope challenged me, and i never lose."

"yeah, okay," john b shook his head, going to finish boarding up the rest of the less sturdy windows.


as soon as john b put the tool away in a random drawer, a flash of light lit up the room, and a drum roll of thunder followed afterwards.

"that'd be agatha," john b sighed.

i raised my eyebrows in agreement.

i began to hear the waves crashing together through the thin walls, the windows rattling with fear as the thunder shook our little place on earth.

after a few minutes of light talk, john b quirked an eyebrow with an idea. i gave him a look of confusion.

he shot up quickly, hurried towards the window closest to the ocean, and looked out, "dude, those waves look sick!"

jj shot up to see what he was talking about, and i couldn't help but follow suit.

as we reached the glass, i could already see the perfect waves, "oh damn..."

"you guys thinking what i'm thinking?" jj asked with the biggest smirk.

i smiled in agreement, but a small feeling on uncomfort built up in my stomach. it's the middle of a hurricane...

"of course, bro," john b says smirking.

they race to the sun room where our boards are, but jj turns around at my lack of enthusiasm, "you coming?"

"do you think it's a good idea? i mean it's the middle of a storm, and it's supposed to get bad," i said.

"eh, i've got nothing to lose. if i go out, i go out in style," he shrugged his shoulders.

as i quickly decided to go out for a little, i hurried over to the same room the two boys were in.

they were heading out, and my finger tips traced the design on my board. it was basic, a little sunset behind a tiny island with a palm tree in bright colors, but i liked it.

i fell for him -a jj maybank storyWhere stories live. Discover now