Magic in the air - Luz x reader

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Now Luz was no stranger to movie marathons. You could say that by now she was actually an expert at them. Especially considering the amount of times she would bundle herself up in blankets, steal something from the kitchen and binge watch films (though most of the time it was The Good Witch Azura). They always seemed to cheer her up after another bad day at school.
Sometimes her mum would sit down and make her watch films made eons ago. If she was lucky maybe they would watch an Azura film together but they were normally kept for special occasions. Times where her mum couldn't come up with an excuse to not watch them with her (in her defence Luz did make her watch them a lot). She did enjoy the time with her mum though, even if the films kinda sucked.

But usually she'd be alone.

So the fact that now she wouldn't was big, massive even. Because she, Luz Noceda now had a binge watching, snack eating partner in crime!

And they were coming over tonight. For the first time.

Oh no

Of course Luz was excited. This was an actual sleepover! Like the ones the quirky teenagers in her fantasy books would have. But she's be lying if she didn't admit she was a little bit terrified as well. Sleepovers and movie marathons with other people weren't exactly things she was used to.

What did other people do in sleepovers they were invited to? What do they like? Does Y/N even want to do this marathon? Should she ask???

Well it was too late to worry now, the doorbell had just gone off.

Luz stared into the mirror and attempted to grin confidently. "You've got this! It's only your first movie marathon with someone else who isn't your mum..." Her smile turned strained. "This is gonna be fine, just like when Azura was forced to stay at her old friends house overnight because she was injured. Except they ended up talking and bonding which help set up their eventual rela-" She stopped and shook her head, a rosy blush spreading across her face.

"Mija, your friend is here!" Luz's mum called upstairs.

"Yeah, I'm coming!"

Luz took a deep breath and rushed down the stairs, stopping before her friend and grabbing them by the hand. "Come on we have to start now!" She said quickly, all of her former nervousness apparently forgotten, replaced with a new found excitement. Luz really did love these films and now she got to share them with someone special to her (who wasn't a family member). It was all like a dream come true.

Y/N giggled and let Luz drag them away from their bewildered parent, yelling a quick goodbye before disappearing upstairs.

"We have to start as soon as possible to finish as many movies as we can" Luz explained as she dragged Y/N into her room. "You just sit over here" She waved in some vague direction. "And I'll go get the popcorn!"
Just as quickly as she went upstairs Luz darted downstairs, leaving Y/N to their own devices. So as they wondered further into her room they decided that this would be the perfect time to explore.

Luz's room was covered in pictures. Mainly posters of different series but photographs of Luz and her mother also littered the wall. Mostly it was fierce warriors and powerful witches though. There were pictures of them on Luz's desk as well. Drawings and fan-art covered the once clean counter that by now Luz had smudged with ink from her sketches. On the floor piles of books and mangas had been shoved against the wall. Y/N assumed that Luz's mother had put them there to be out of their way. A mound of fluffy blankets and pillows which earlier Luz had dragged upstairs lay on her bed. Opposite it was an iPad that had been propped on top of a drawer against another pile of books, creating a makeshift tv.

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