Bunny - Emira x reader

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( Emira x shy! Fem! Reader requested by @-PSYCHOTICKILLINGS- )

You're cute.

Emira had decided on that a long time ago. She remembered when you had tentatively tilted your phone in her direction when she asked what you were looking at. Peering at the picture that was displayed on your phone Emira at first had no idea what you were showing her.

"She's my bunny" you had quietly explained. Your pet back on earth. Emira remembered that moment from the way you had eventually opened up after she asked you about your animal, secretly wanting to know more about your life away from her. How you showed her her countless photos and videos with quiet enthusiasm.

A bunny, Emira had decided on that day, is exactly what reminded her of you. With your wide, gorgeous eyes that flicked nervously around as you inched closer to her side. And the way you'd stretch towards her for comfort at any given second, jump out of fright whenever Emira pranked you or almost hop on the spot when you were excited.

Your adorableness (a word she was almost certain didn't exist but used anyway when thinking about you) was almost unfair. Emira would sometimes find herself picking you up and twirling you about in an almost hug. Gripping at the hoodie you never took off. Feeling your head bury itself into her neck attempting to hide the deep blush that always stained your cheeks when she boldly showed her love.

Each time Emira would gently grab hold of your wrists and step back. Ducking down and thwarting your, admittedly weak, attempt at hiding your blush by staring resolutely at the ground and avoiding any eye contact. And each time she saw your expression her breath would get caught in her throat and Emira found herself staring at you, completely enraptured by what she saw.

"My girl," she'd whisper, the nickname dripping with adoration so strong it was almost palpable. The words barely audible to the outside world in case they were heard and you were embarrassed further. Instead, staying secret between the couple who stared at each other, stuck, as if frozen in time.

Until your nerves gave way to fond smiles and embarrassed giggles that crash-landed Emira back to earth from her experience that had to be out of this world. Because you were out of this world. A person who against all odds appeared in her reality and like a song or a story passed down tenderly between generations fell for her. And she fell for you too.

A bunny she had decided. An adorable being she promised whatever god blessed her with Y/N she would love and protect.


I didn't read up on Emira's personality so I hope this isn't ooc jzhsjs

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