Chapter 1

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It was dark. The snow was falling like rain. and the land was a vast Tundra.

A young man wearing light Orochi armor was riding a horse with many soldiers behind him. He went up a hill and met his leader. Genichiro Ashina. His cousin. He wore a full samurai armor set and a helmet with horns. He was the best swordsman he ever knew, but not all things last forever. he knew that this would be the last battle they'll ever fight in together.

Koga:( The Imperial army is invading our home. They're brutal. Relentless. Unstoppable. Ruthless. We are 500 warriors against an army of 125,000. Today, I die for my people.) 

Genichiro: We will face death... and defend our home. Courage, honor, tradition. They are what make us. We are warriors!

He shouted as everyone cheered and raised their weapons and banners.

Genichiro: Lord Madatsu. Go and show them what they are up against.

He nodded his head as he slowly rode down the hill into enemy territory. There he was met with imperial soldiers but did not attack.

Madatsu: Hear me, invaders. Send your finest warrior to face me!

They smirked and gave a small laugh before a man wearing a suit of heavy armor with a red cape walked forward

Madatsu: I am Okito Madatsu. Descendant of Makata Madatsu.

He just scoffed and shot lighting from his gauntlets which fried Madatsu. Not even a fair chance. It was something that none of them have seen.

???: Warriors! Do you surrender?

His voice rang through the air and sent a small shiver down Koga's spine.

Genichiro: Cowards without honor deserve no mercy. No mercy! Open fire! For our home! Charge!

Flaming arrows and catapults were flung from both sides. Each making a small crater. The arrows managed to take out some imperial sharpshooters. They may have had more numbers and firepower, but Koga and the others had skill.

Warrior: For lord Madatsu! 

They rode horses down the hill with their katanas and charged at the enemy. They lost riders due to catapults, but they managed to get out of the range and arrive at the riverside where they were met with lines of soldiers with rifles.

Koga and the others grabbed their bows from their back and shot them with arrows before the enemy could fire a single bullet. the rest were either cut down by their swords or trampled by horses.

Genichiro: We must find their leader and take his head! Forward!

They continued riding and were met with cannon fire. One landed next to Koga and exploded, making his horse fall over and making him go unconscious. When he awoke, his katana was lying in front of him and a soldier behind him. He reached for it, but couldn't get it and the soldier got closer. He swung but was blocked and had his throat slit. Genichiro saved your life.

Genichiro: I need you alive.

He helped Koga get out under the horse and handed him his weapon. The rest of their warriors regrouped and continued. They encountered more imperial soldiers but cut them down. As time went on, more warriors began to fall. It got to the point where it was only a few warriors left who could still fight.

Over the ridge, they could see him. The man who struck down Lord Madatsu without honor.

Genichiro: We finish, not as cousins, but as warriors.

Koga: I fight with you till the end.

Genichiro: I know you will. May we meet each other in the next life.

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