18 - Wife vs Husband

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Sarawat's POV

"What, no hug? You look very excited to see me" said Pam, sarcastically.

"You haven't called in over a year. Let's just say distance has not made the heart grow fonder in this case" I replied with a smirk.

Pam laughed sardonically, "Well, at least your sense of humour is still intact. I will be crashing at our place for a few days. I hope that's okay" she said, dragging a bag behind her and moving towards the elevator.

I raised a hand to stop her.

"It's not okay. It's not "our" place, it's mine. And no, you cannot crash here. You cannot just come and go as you please, disrupting Win's life and giving him hope where there is none. You'll up and leave whenever you want without a second thought, and I'll be left picking up the pieces of my son's broken heart. I've done it before and I won't let it happen again.

Oh, and by the way, he's fine. Not that you care. You haven't asked about him yet, and that tells me everything I needed to know" I said bitterly.

Pam looked at me with her mouth open, shocked. She hadn't expected to be pushed out.

She immediately became hostile, as was her wont whenever she was confronted with the truth.

"I'm his mother and I have the right to spend as much time as I want with him. You can't stop me from doing that. And in case you've forgotten, we're still married. That gives me the right to stay in our marital home. You can't throw me out on the streets" she screamed, stomping her foot.

"Oh, I haven't forgotten. In fact, I have been very aware of both our marital status and your parental rights, which is why I have been sending you money whenever you've asked for it, which has been often, and pictures of our son every week, even though you've never asked for them.

However, given that we have a marriage of convenience only, and that we never consummated our relationship since the day we got married, I am well within my rights to file for an annulment and ask for full custody of Win.

Which in fact I did, more than three months ago through my lawyer. He confirmed that you received the notice and chose to ignore it.

So, no. You don't have the right to stay in my home because we are officially separated.

You're still Win's mother though, and if you want to meet him, you can do so with my permission and under my supervision."

Pam's face went red, her eyes glittered with anger.

"You will be sorry you messed with me, Wat. I was hoping we could be friends, but you've not left me much choice.

I will challenge the annulment and ask for a divorce instead. Make it as long drawn and messy as I can.

Oh, and I will be counter-filing for full custody of Win. I don't care how long it plays out in court for. But you may not be able keep Win with you at the end of it. I don't know if that's a chance you're willing to take.

Think about it and let me know if that's the way you want to go", she said nastily, turning on her heel and walking out.

I pinched the bridge of my nose to calm myself down. I knew she wouldn't be easy to deal with, and I had expected her to use Win as a pawn.

My heart bled for my poor little son. He would be so excited if I told him about Pam, and all he would get in return would be crushing disapppintment.

He was better off not knowing his mother was back in town.

3rd Party POV

Pam seethed with anger and shame. Wat had humiliated her completely.

When she had decided to leave, the fact that Wat had so easily accepted her decision had hurt her ego. Was she that inconsequential to their lives, so easy to let go?

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