🤩Chapter 1🤩

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Bakugou and Kirishima are at a children's cafe with their sons Kenji and Katsu. (By the way, Kirishima is married to Mina, and Deku is married to Uraraka just for further chapters) P.S. Kirishima and Mina have a 2-year-old baby who looks like Mina and is named Minami While Kenji looks like Kirishima I also don't own any of these pictures they belong to their rightful creators/artists also play the song on top for some vibes Kay luvs
Day 1
Bakugou's POV
"So Bakubro how's it going with Y/N," Kirishima says excitedly.

"It's going good it's just that brat of mine is clinging to her so much that it gets annoying."

"I thought you would be the clingy one instead."

"Shut up Sharkface I am not clingy I just don't want that clumsy Y/N to get worried about me"

But in heart, Bakugou loved Y/N's clumsy, shy, cute personality all in one.

"Well, it seems to me Bakubro you really love Y/N and you can't live without her it's not very manly to lie."

"Shut up."

"Besides how are you and Mina."

"It's going fine I learned how to change a diaper that is very manly."

When they were busy talking Katsu and Kenji were playing pirates on the playground equipment.

"Arghhh walk the plank, you filthy traitor." Says Katsu

"That's not very manly Katsu I am not a traitor I am your friend!" Exclaims Kenji

"Well, I am the captain so I get to do whatever." Says Katsu

But when Katsu was about to poke Kenji with the wooden sword he accidentally slipped and got a face full of sand. He then went off crying to Bakugou and Kenji running behind him.

"Wahhhhhhh Otou san I got sand in my eye."

Bakugou then replied, "What do want brat I told you to not fall didn't I that's your problem now."

"Well....well I didn't need you anyway I could have gotten it out myself you Baka."

While Katsu and Bakugou were arguing Kenji and Kirishima were just thinking how unmanly that was also sweatdropping.

When that was happening Y/N and Mina were busying shopping for groceries and buying clothes for their husbands and babies.
"Y/N this would look so cute on Katsu," Mina says while showing Y/N a cute little Adidas shirt and pants

"Oh my god that looks so cute I bet Katsu would love it how about I get matching outfits for Katsuki and Katsu."

"YESSS I totally agree I need to go gets some clothes for my boys and baby girl," Mina said excitedly
I was now curious where Minami is and asked " Mina I have been wondering where is Minami again."

"Oh, she is playing with Deku and Todoroki's daughters."

(Shoto has a daughter named Saki with Momo and Deku has a daughter named Machiko that is 5 years old and a son named Makoto who is the same age as Katsu and Kenji which is 5 years old)

"Oh okay don't you think it's time to go find our boys we have done enough shopping?"

"Okay! Let me just go pay for this stuff and we should be ready to go."

(Y/N's Quirk: Healing and Evaporating which means she can heal people like Recovery Girl and Evaporaring which means she can make anyone turn to dust and evaporate any part of their body and that's how her Healing and Evaporating powers contrast) (Y/N is also a Stay at home mom she has a hero name called Heapora)

(Y/N's Quirk: Healing and Evaporating which means she can heal people like Recovery Girl and Evaporaring which means she can make anyone turn to dust and evaporate any part of their body and that's how her Healing and Evaporating powers contrast) ...

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Also, creds for the pictures is @DarkLITHRA on Twitter

When they got to their husbands Bakugou and Katsu were still arguing and Kenji and Kirishima just staring not knowing what to do

"Katsu and Katsuki I come here and you guys are fighting I expected more from you two I am very disappointed," I said scolding them. They know very well not to get me angry and the consequences of their action if they do.

Katsu then came up to me and said " Okaa san I am sorry for making you mad it just that Oto-san didn't want to help me get the sand out of my eyes and called me stupid."

How could I resist my baby and why would Katsuki do that to my baby our baby.

"Bakugou Katsuki how could you call our child stupid and not help him you sir are sleeping on the couch tonight." Y/N say turning around and walking away with Katsu and her belongings.
Bakugou's POV
In the Background, Mina was just watching laughing at the scene unravel with Kenji in her arms and Kirishima shaking his head.

"What! How could she say that to me when I told that brat about what not to do!!!"

"Bakubro I think you need to think over what you just did that was very unmanly of you," Kirishima says shaking his head putting a hand on Bakugou's shoulder

"Yeah Bakugou hahahahaha that was very unmanly of you, Eijiro let's go we have to go pick up Minami from Deku's place," Mina says laughing walking away with Kenji in her arm and Kirishima walking behind her with their stuff.

Bakugou was busy tryna get to his wife and talk some sense into her while running.

"Y/N baby come on it's that brat's fault that he got a face full of sand."

"I don't want to hear it Katsuki you knew what you were getting into," Y/N says while holding Kastu who turned and stuck a tongue out at Bakugou which only made him angrier

[You damned brat] Bakugou says in his mind

(So that was the end of the first chapter tell me how you liked it in the comments I will be updating soon and also tell me what ideas y'all want for the next chapter kay also follow Tearsfillthesky and read her stories they are amazing to thank you for reading. Also, I would really love for you guys to vote for my story pls thank you)

.*𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼*.-Bakugou Katsuki x Wife readerWhere stories live. Discover now