⛩Chapter 9💮

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A/N: So yeah today is the third day of the week stay at the resort and they are now in the breakfast area of the resort which is on top and it's in the morning not the night and Yuga Aoyama is married to himself since he doesn't talk poor and the rest of them are single. Also pls play the song on top

Day 9

So we were all in the breakfast area in the morning and I was wearing a low neck magenta sweater dress and all the hickeys from last night could be seen. I tried to cover it up but Katsuki wanted everyone to see.

"Katsuki please let me cover them up"

"No I won't let you so people can see what's mine and you can stop being a guy magnet"

Everybody was now staring at us most specifically my neck since I had a lot of hickey's due to Mr. King Explosion Murder

"Well Bakubro you really went down last night," Kirishima said patting Katsuki on the back

"Yeah Bakugou you must have been ramming into her all night," Kaminari said to Katsuki

In fact, all the guys were asking Katsuki about his "achievement"

When we sat down the girls then said

"wow Bakugou really put in the work for you," Mina said looking at my neck

"It seems that you guys were wide awake last night," Momo said drinking her coffee and smirking
We all got our breakfast and after we decided to go to the courtyard

"It seems that you guys were wide awake last night," Momo said drinking her coffee and smirking~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~We all got our breakfast and after we decided to go to the courtyard

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We had decided to have a battle against each other by using our quirks like back in U.A while the kids watch since they haven't developed their quirks yet. The teams were Team A with Me, Uraraka, Todoroki, Aoyama, Jirou, Kaminari, and Team B was Katsuki, Midoriya, Mina, Kirishima, Momo, Tzuyu

We started and was later in the battle with Aoyama and Uraraka out of our team and Tzuyu and Kirishima out

I then used my quirk to evaporated the rope Momo created and then made sure she couldn't use her legs so I turned that to dust.

"WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH LET'S GO OKAA SAN BEAT UP THAT OLD MAN," Katsu said cheering with the other kids

"WHO ARE YOU CALLING OLD BRAT," Katsuki said yelling that he couldn't see that Jirou had made the ground shake and that Todoroki had put him in an ice cell

But then Mina had used her acid to dissolve the ground underneath me and created a large pit which I am unable to get out of.

"Yeah go mom" I heard Mina's kids yelling

Todoroki had created an ice boost so that I could get out of the pit that Mina had created

Katsuki then pointed out an explosion which caused smoke everywhere

.*𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼*.-Bakugou Katsuki x Wife readerWhere stories live. Discover now