😥Chapter 5😥

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Disclaimer Arito will be in this chapter and pls play the song if you want some vibes also this is a reminder if this triggers you DO NOT READ P.S. just for further chapters there  will be Arito's POV in this story and  kaminari is married to Jiro and has a child named Nari

 just for further chapters there  will be Arito's POV in this story and  kaminari is married to Jiro and has a child named Nari

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Day 5

[Today I had to potty train Katsu and try to get him ready for the U.A school reunion while Katsuki was at work as you can see that didn't go so well.]

[That didn't go so well as I thought it would he kept trying to but I couldn't so I called Mitsuki (Bakugou's mom)]

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[That didn't go so well as I thought it would he kept trying to but I couldn't so I called Mitsuki (Bakugou's mom)]

On the phone with Mitsuki

"Um Mitsuki I kinda need your help with something"

"What is it Y/N is it Katsuki again cause I will come over there and beat him up for you"

"Oh no it's Katsu he doesn't want to get potty trained and I am scared it will become a habit can you come over for me?"

"Yeah, sure I am on my way there."

"Okay bye get here soon."

End of call

Mitsuki got here and said hi to Katsu and hugged him Katsu looked annoyed like he was gonna suffocate.

Mitsuki got here and said hi to Katsu and hugged him Katsu looked annoyed like he was gonna suffocate

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.*𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼*.-Bakugou Katsuki x Wife readerWhere stories live. Discover now