🤰🏾Chapter 12👀

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A/N: it is the sixth-day stay at the resort and one more day left till they go back home. Pls play the song pls
Day 12
Today I woke up and felt nauseous and had to go to the bathroom. It was still quite dark outside but it took only a few minutes till morning.

[Why am I so sick so early in the morning the last time I was nauseous in the stomach was when I was pregnant with Katsu]

When I got back to the living room I saw Katsuki on his phone wide awake.

"Hey Katsuki what are you doing out here and up early in the morning, " I said holding my stomach

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"Hey Katsuki what are you doing out here and up early in the morning, " I said holding my stomach

"It looks like I should be asking you the same thing you  haven't barfed that much since you were pregnant with Katsu"

"Y/N your not pregnant are you"

"I don't know yet  I was about to go but a pregnancy test later on"

"Kay just call me when you need me okay," He said walking towards me and kissing me on my forehead, and then walks out of the room

I then ran back to the bathroom for the second time because of how bad my stomach felt.
Later in the day
Still Y/N's POV
Katsuki then came back from the store while holding a pregnancy test I took it and went to the bathroom. I came out after a few minutes and so the test was positive and that meant I was pregnant.

"So how did the test go," Katsuki said looking at me

"It came out Positive"

"Yesssss hell yeah," Katsuki said picking me up and twirling me around

"okay put me down so we can go tell everyone the good news"

We then headed to the main room where everyone was and Katsu was playing with his explosion.

"Umm guy we have an announcement to make," I said feeling nervous

"She's Pregnant," Katsuki said before I could

"NANNNNNIIIIIIII" everyone yelled

"Ehhhhhhh Kanojo wa ninshin shite iru to wa dōiu imidesu ka" (Ehhhhhh Huh what does she mean she's pregnant) Arito said looking devasted

"Well its seems your precious is not so precious after all " Dabi said eating his lunch

(Dabi just don't care he hungry)

"Oooh I am gonna have a little sibling," Katsu said running up to me

"Y/N chan what do you mean your pregnant" Arito says hugging me

"I mean I'm pregnant Arito," I said holding his arm

"But...but I love you," He said with big doe eyes

"Awww I love you too"



"OKAY OKAY cut it you fucking idiots as you can see Y/N's married to ME, not YOU so move along blue balls"

"The fuck you call me you ugly pomeranian"

"Yeah now break it up dorks come on Arito lets go and hey Shoto," Dabi said dragging Arito away

"Hey Touya," Todoroki said look at his older brother

"Hi uncle Touya," Saki said waving at her uncle

"Hi baby Saki," Dabi said smiling at Saki

(Yeah Shoto knows Dabi is Touya and after years of trying They are family again and Dabi is a great uncle towards Saki)

"Anyways I am not going to let you be by yourself in this pregnancy," Katsuki said holding my hand


sorry for this short chapter I have just been having a lot of homework lately and I will be updating a lot more tomorrow and thanks for reading and vote for my story thank you.

.*𝓝𝓮𝔀 𝓜𝓮𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓼*.-Bakugou Katsuki x Wife readerWhere stories live. Discover now