Thirty Two

15 3 0

When we arrive at the venue early-evening, the outside appears quiet and unsuspecting. The calm before the storm. Mason's car is already in the parking lot along with a few others I don't recognise. We get out of the van and Charlie throws me an all-access pass before looping one around his neck too.

"Show that to security if you need to get backstage from out front," he instructs as we head towards the back door. The door is on the latch and we get inside without difficulty.

We navigate our way through the maze of corridors which are painted black and decorated with various signed memorabilia, framed records and photos of bands that have played in the venue over the years. Once we round the corner, we go through another door and we're in the wings. A band I don't recognise is on stage sound checking, and Stan and Adam are stood observing.

They greet us both and then the three of them go over some minor details regarding the show. When the band on stage finishes sound checking, the guys are up next. They all start setting themselves up. Meanwhile, I step out of the curtains and take in the venue, which is clearly larger than previous venues they've played, but with an intimate-feel. Mason and Harvey appear carrying more amps, and they're followed by a slightly older guy I don't recognise.

"Charlie!" he cheers, patting him on the back.

"Richie man, it's good to see you," Charlie responds, shaking his hand. Charlie touches his hand to my back and introduces me to the unfamiliar man.

"Noelle, this is Richie the organiser of tonight. Richie, this is Noelle, my girlfriend."

"Wait, what?" Stan exclaims from across the stage, before I even have the chance to say hello. The other three musicians all freeze, staring at us in disbelief.

Charlie and I exchange glances before looking back to the guys, shrugging in unison.

"Holy fuck," Stan cries triumphantly, "I knew it! I knew you'd stop being pussies and go out sooner or later!" Charlie shoots Stan a look, shoving him in the arm and then the pair begin wrestling in that way that guys do.

"Charlie and Noelle have been unofficially dating for months," Harvey explains to a confused Richie.

"No we haven't," I counter.

"Noelle, I've known Charlie a long time," Stan reasons, "And he's never had anything nice to say about a girl other than, 'She has a nice pair of tits on her'. But with you, it-"

"Dude, shut up," Charlie demands, starting to wrestle with Stan again. I laugh and roll my eyes as the childish pair fight. Richie eyes them with disdain, shaking his head.

"It's not too late to change your mind," Richie says jokingly to me, "If you want a musician though, my advice would be to go with Harvey. I'd say he's the most sensible of the bunch."

"That's fine by me," Harvey approves, wrapping his arm round my shoulders.

"Fuck off," Charlie cries, flipping his bandmate off, "It's been an hour and you assholes are already trying to snake my girlfriend." I can't help but grin at Charlie calling me his girlfriend. I love the sound of it and it makes my insides all tingly. Charlie comes to stand behind me and rests his forearms on my shoulders, crossing them over my chest and pulling me into him. I rest my head on his chest and inhale his scent, thinking how I could definitely get used to this.


Ninety minutes later, the venue is full to the brim with eager fans and friends of all the bands playing. I feel like there is more support for Charlie's band than any of the other bands on the bill, but maybe that's just because they're the only fans I'm paying attention to.

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