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"You'll be careful today yeah?" Charlie urges as we walk into school the following Monday, my head still an absolute mess thanks to Saturday's events. Neither of us has spoken about the kiss since it happened. I didn't really expect for us to; Charlie and I aren't big talkers when it comes to feelings. Then again, I can't be a hundred per cent certain that feelings are involved for Charlie anyway. Whilst I like to think Charlie wouldn't have kissed me and told me he cared about me without having actual feelings for me, it's a possibility I need to prepare myself for.

"Aren't I always?"


"Why, what's up?"

"Dickwad Dwayne's found out about Friday. He's pissed. I don't want you getting caught up in this shit," he explains, glancing over his shoulder as we make our way through the crowds of the school hallway which part to let Charlie pass. I still can't get my head around the unspoken rule that you don't dare get in Charlie's way. Maybe it's because he walks so quickly and aggressively that everyone feels like he'll push straight through them if they don't move. I can understand why people would think like that. There's no such thing as a relaxing stroll with Charlie. He'll simply make a beeline for wherever he's headed, looking straight ahead with a stony expression, and everyone just moves because he's known for his hostile unapproachable temperament very few people know is a pretence.

"I can take care of myself," I remind him. As much as his protectiveness is well-intended, I don't need a bodyguard.

"Yeah because you can take out the captain of the fucking football team. Do me a favour and use your fucking brain for once would you?" he spits, his tone harsher than usual. His brashness strikes a nerve. He's the one that created this mess. If he could stop thinking with his dick for five minutes, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.

"What, like you did on Friday night when you slept with his girlfriend?"

"The difference is that I can stick up for myself sweetie," he patronises.

"And I can't?"

"Not against someone who's fucking double your size."

"For god's sake Charlie, would you stop treating me like a child? Last time I checked you weren't invincible yourself. Dwayne's hardly gonna do anything to me, is he?"

"Whatever Noelle. I'm only looking out for you. I won't fucking bother next time," he hisses before stalking off into the crowd.

"You're being an asshole!" I shout after him. He ignores me and I decide against chasing after him. He's best being left alone when he's in such a foul mood.


When the bell for lunch rings, I meet Stan as usual, since our classes are next door, and then we walk to the cafeteria together.

"Charlie said you pissed him off this morning," Stan informs me.

"The feeling's mutual," I say bitterly.

"That's cold. What happened?"

"He's a patronising asshole. That's what happened," I explain. "He treats me like I'm fucking incompetent sometimes. He doesn't seem to realise I've survived all these years before he came along."

"Yeah I've noticed that he can be...overly protective of you, but I reckon it's only because he cares. Being completely honest here, I've never seen him care for anyone the way he does for you."

I smile a little bit. I would feel flattered if it wasn't so frustrating being spoken to like I'm his naïve child. I love that Charlie cares enough to protect me but I don't need protecting. I've managed to look after myself up until now, so I don't need him suddenly treating me like a complete imbecile.

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