IX. ❝Fuck you, Evans❞

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❝Fuck you, Evans❞

Rosalyn Adore Rosier Ϟ

𝗝𝗔𝗠𝗘𝗦 𝗚𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗖𝗘𝗦 𝗔𝗧 𝗥𝗢𝗦𝗔𝗟𝗬𝗡, "Are you okay?" He whispers, she gives him a small smile, leaning against his shoulder.

The Gryffindor common room seemed to be oddly quiet, with baby Harry fast asleep in his Uncle Sirius' arms, "Do you think Evan would've looked for me?"

James cocks an eyebrow at the witch, who sighs, turning to face him, "If Evan found out I wasn't dead after thinking so for so long, do you think he would've looked for me like I am he?"

"I think he'd of gone to the ends of the Earth for you" James gives a small smile, as the brunette leans her head against him once again, "He'd be foolish not too, Adore" He runs his hand through her hair.

"Come on, you two have had a very knackering day" Sirius stands, looking between Marlene and Rosalyn.

"Shhh, she's already gone" Regulus tuts, looking down at the sleeping blonde to his side.

"Well take her to bed then, loser" The older brother replies, rocking Harry in his arms.

Regulus rolls his eyes, standing up, he brushes down his uniform, before hooking his arms underneath Marlene, as the girl groans, looping her arms around his neck.

"Come on, trouble" He whispers, as Marlene hides her face in his neck, her hair sprawled across his shoulder.

"Pass me the baby" Rosalyn sighs, holding her arms out to Sirius, who raises an eyebrow.

"You, missy, need to get bed" Sirius replies, grinning down at his cousin.

"Dear cousin, you are the one with bags under your eyes that could mock my Louis Vuitton, get to bed, Siri" Rosalyn smirks.

"You are a little bitch sometimes, you know that Rosalyn?" Sirius laughs, passing baby Harry over to the teen, "Your right though, I'm heading straight to bed, Moony had the best idea to head to bed hours ago" He yawns.

Regulus sighs, returning from the dorm, "She is out like a light and I best join her, oh, Adore? Let's not travel to the dead tomorrow alright" Regulus yawns, ruffling his cousins hair as he passes.

"Goodnight, Reg!" The three chorus.

Sirius leaves not a minute later, after pressing a kiss against Harry's head, he stumbles his way up the common room stairs.

"Who do you thinks gonna weigh more?"

James glances at Rosalyn, and then his baby in her arms, "Harry, of course, this little 9lb baby" He chuckles.

"Merlin I bet Evans was in agony" Rosalyn mutters, stroking Harry's cheek.

"You have 6 more months til you find out" He replies, tentatively placing his hand on the small bump of her stomach.

"Don't be scared Jamesy" Rosalyn laughs, taking his hand and pressing it more firmly against her stomach, "It's only a baby in there" She teases.

"Lily was so careful with Harry, wouldn't let me touch the bump, think she was scared of me hurting him or hated the idea of me touching her" James sighs, casting a look at Harry.

"You think our kids will grow up together? Fall in love maybe, have a kid in their teens" She laughs, as James brushes her hair out of her eyes.

"Sirius is right, y'know, you should head to bed, it's been a long journey for you and this little angel" He whispers, as Rosalyn groans.

"I met my mother today, Jamesy"

Rosalyn takes a deep breathe, chewing at her lips, "She looked like me, or I like look her, obviously and all we spoke about was Evan, she mocked me and taunted me and I..."

"Your allowed to be upset, you can grieve people you never knew" James presses a kiss against her forehead, "She's still your mother" he murmurs.


Rosalyn sighs, running a hand through her grown out bob cut, "This fucking shirt" She mutters, as Marlene laughs.

"You can't even notice, Adore" Marlene stares, as the pregnant teen tried to pull the shirt over her stomach.

"Oh so we're lying to eachother now?"

"Sod off! Come on, do you wanna be late?" Marlene replies, watching Rosalyn pull Evan's old Slytherin jumper over her head.

Rosalyn huffs, grabbing her bag and following Marlene to the Gryffindor Common room, her eyes brightening up at the sight of the four Marauders and baby Harry.

"Warning guys! She's pissy today" Marlene teases, elbowing the Gryffindor jokingly.

"Oi! Never call a pregnant woman pissy, trust me learnt it hard way" James chuckles, slinging his arm over Rosalyn's shoulders, as they all begin the walk to the Great Hall.

"In my defence I am now officially too fat to fit in my shirts!" Rosalyn declares, her laughter echoing through the hall.

"Your not fat" James scoffs, rolling his eyes.

"You have a literal baby in your stomach, nothing to do with being fat Adore, just that you are carrying my... nephew? Cousin? I'm not good with family trees" Sirius stutters over himself, only making the group laugh even louder.


James' arm falls from Rosalyn's shoulder, as he stares at Lily Evans, tears welling up in her eyes, "You've gotta be fucking kidding me, Potter" She spits, turning to Rosalyn with a deathly glare, "You don't need his fucking money! Your a Black or a Riddle or a fucking Rosier, actually let me correct myself you must be a Potter now, you don't need his title you have enough of your own!" Lily hisses, pushing Rosalyn back.

"Lily get your hands off her!" Regulus growls, stepping closer to the Gryffindors.

"Fuck you, Evans" Rosalyn whispers.

"Oh fuck me? No, you backstreet whore, fuck you"

"It's Evan's!" Rosalyn screams, watching as the hall goes silent, "It's my fucking husbands you stupid, selfish, girl!" She continues, her hand striking Lily across the face.

"You do not deserve that precious baby of yours, Harry deserves so much better and thank the lord he has James" Rosalyn finishes, turning around without another word.

Her sobs are heard as she exits the hall, echoing through the hallways as everyone turns to stare at Lily Evans and James Potter, "Go to hell, Evans"


Dumbledore watches Rosalyn, as she stares up at him, her hand on her stomach, "Your telling me that you've found him?" She speaks.

"We have reason to believe that Mr Rosier, is alive and hidden in Malfoy Manor" Albus continues, as Rosalyn lets out a deep breath.

"Malfoy Manor? I can get there, easily, Narcissa she married Lucius right? And Lucius, Merlin, he'll do anything if I try hard enough..." She mutters, already scheming ideas in her head.

"Miss Black, as much as I can understand your reasoning, we don't know who is there - who's at risk" Minerva takes over, as Rosalyn shakes her head.

"I can do this, I can get him back, I'm a Black! Me, Sirius, Regulus, this is our family, we can do this, Sir, Professor, I know it! Please"

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