Chapter 8 - loosing it

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"Rick?" I called out, "Rick!"
In the void, a faint form appears. Turning around it holds its hand to me, "Rick?" I cried, "Rick please-" as it's form turned into one I knew too well, I jump backwards, "it's my kid now." He smiled, looking at me, "Your kid is now mine."

I gasped from my spot, having a new room separated from the other wives I felt more and more isolated. Was this Negans way of breaking me down? Was this his way of treating me like Daryl? Making me insane?

I held the sheets between my hands, panting I close my eyes. Calm down.

I pull the ring Rick placed in my hand those few days ago. Not understanding the concept of the ring, I didn't really think about who's it could have been.

I looked at the diamond, seeing the pure silver and gold intertwined in each other. Each small diamond precisely put in spot from largest to smallest. Then I noticed a small sentence:

My love to you.

This was Loris? It had to be. Where could he have found this?

I placed it back on my finger, twisting it around and fidgeting with it. I felt calmer, more at ease.

But why was I here? What was my purpose?

I stood up, deciding to wear some comfy clothes I slipped some sweater and a tank top on. But since I don't really go outside much I don't need to kill walkers.

I look in my mirror as I put my hair in a bun, noticing how sleep deprived I was I look at the growing bags under my eyes. This place has broken me, who am I?

I look at myself, Rick was right, I was showing more to the point of where you could see a bump in the sweats.

I stressfully sat back down, running my hands down my face. I had to figure something out.

I look through the closet and find a large sweatshirt. This had to do.

I wrapped it around my waist as I decide to finally go out and seize the long and traumatizing day.

I closed the door behind me, seeing Negan come strutting down the hall and no longer smiling I immediately grab the doorknob and lock myself into my room.

"Isabella!" Negan yells playfully on the other side of the door.

It always happens to me.

I cover my mouth, stepping away from the door I put the ring Rick gave me into my pocket.

"Isabella!" His soft tone turns harsh as he knocks loudly on the door, "Do NOT make me tear this door down!"

"A-Alright Alright!" I yelled, unlocking the door he slams it open, grabbing me by the wrist. "You are going to listen to me and listen to me now." He growled loudly, Dwight behind him.

Dwight tattled on me?

"Listen to me Negan, I can't be here anymore! You are-"

Negan grabs my face and pulls it close to his, threateningly, "It was wrong to bring you here, you were my favorite but look at you. Kicking Dwighty boy in the balls and screaming and hurting him? He is my right hand man and he even told you he was going to tell me. So here is your consequence..." he yells loudly, dragging me out by the back of my neck I groaned in pain.

"Negan he took one of my guys! How would you have-" he slams me against the door of Daryls room, cocking his head he drops Lucile from his shoulder as she hung by my feet, "If you don't shut up you'll go back to your people unable to stand."

I smirked.

He pulls his knee up, pushing my back down I cried out, "No!"

He pauses, waiting for me to explain why he couldn't knee me in the gut.

I shook my head, my hands trembling he growls lowly, dragging me down the hall again.

He shoved me in a room, strong men were around the table, a blonde lady sat there with a large bar code tattoo on her neck. "That's her? That weak thing?" She remarked.

"Trust me, she doesn't know pride from trust." Negan slammed me on the table by my back, I coughed as the air left my lungs.
"Do what you want, don't mess with the face too much though. Keep her pretty for Rick." Negan smiled, "And take off the ring, it was Luciles and she doesn't deserve it."

I pant anxiously, "W-What are you doing?" I ask as the blonde girl pulls the ring from my finger and snaps the necklace from around my neck. "You messed up." She smirked, and that was all.

She grabs a bat, swinging it she nails imma in the ribs. I cry out in pain, scratching the table as she slams the bat on me, "Stop it please!" I cried.

I'm going to loose RJ.

"STOP IT!" I sobbed as she shuts me up, hitting me in the chest I coughed and sat up my ribs feeling crushed.

"Hold her down, she needs to obey Negan." She smiled.

"No!—" the men pulled me down as she slams the bat on me, using a old crowbar and a screwdriver.

"I-I am having a kid! Please I'm going to loose him I'm going to loose him!" I sobbed, "stop hitting me!"

She stops abruptly, her hands shaking she drops the bat. "I-" she struggled, running out as the men just let go of me, looking at me in shock as a moment passed and no one said anything. Just my cries.

"You're leaving. Now." Negan growled as he stood me up, I held my side in pain, "T-Thank you." I cried, limping as he drags me out to his car again.

As he helps me in, he immediately drove off.

"You didn't tell me. Now Ricks going to actually come for me, kill me." Negan growled, "Thanks to you!"

"You tried t-t-to kill me!" I cried, "You are so senseless!"


He parks the car, "Open it. Now!"

The gates slide open, revealing Rick. "Why are you here."

"I brought you you're girl and getting her next week." Negan sighed, "Forgive me." Is all he says, helping me out of the car as I held myself in pain, tears streaming down my face as he drives off.

Rick doesn't hesitant but run up to me, grabbing my face he plants a million little kisses on my cheeks, "are you okay?" He asks.

"W-We might have lost R-RJ..." I cried, "T-They hit me with a bat."

Ricks face pales, he grabs me by the waist, lifting me into a hug I just let myself loose on him. People trying to talk to me and ask if I was okay when I probably broke some ribs.

"I am sorry." I sniffed.

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