Holiday Feelings

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*All future chapters will be taking place in the Wandering Sea Base. I will explain more about that in the upcoming How I Met My Harem (Lostbelt Edition).*

It was as the day after Thanksgiving in the Wandering Sea and everyone was relaxing after eating too much turkey from the previous day. Sure, the Chaldeans could have shown some restraint, but after surviving their Third Lostbelt as well as saving Ryan and Goredolf from a lethal poison given to them by Tamamo Vitch, everyone was ready to relax before taking on the next Lostbelt.

Currently, Ryan and his bodyguard, Izumi were in his new room where the duo were groaning from their turkey comas. After serving the trials in the China Lostbelt, they both devoured any food they got their hands on. Now, they were paying for it as Izumi let out a loud burp.

"Never again....," Izumi said as she held her stomach in pain.

"Agreed....," Ryan stated in agreement as he rolled over to go to sleep as the turkey he ate made him sleepy.

"Senpai!," Mashu cried as she shook her master awake. "Don't fall asleep. You'll make your insomnia worse!"

"But I'm tired....," the boy groaned as he hid under the covers. "You could always join me in. We could cuddle....and something else."

The Shielder class servant immediately blushed bright red. "Well....I guess getting some sleep won't hurt you that much. Move over."

"Hey!!! You two know I'm still in here! Stop flirting in front of me!," Izumi yelled before immediately groaning in pain again. "Hold on....does anyone else  hear someone singing?"

Both Ryan and Mashu raised an eyebrow in confusion as they began to hear what Izumi was talking about. A familiar tune.....that only came this time a year.

"Oh no! It's her!," the master and Demi-servant exclaimed as the door to Ryan's room bursted with a loud, "PADORU PADORU!!!"

"Oh no! It's her!," the master and Demi-servant exclaimed as the door to Ryan's room bursted with a loud, "PADORU PADORU!!!"

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"Merry Christmas!!!," Sab—I mean Santa Nero exclaimed with a cheerful smile on her face. "Why are you all laying bed?! It's finally Christmas time!!! We need to start getting things ready for the most wonderful time of year!Umu!!!"

The master of Chaldea groaned. "But Nero....everyone is still recovering from yesterday. Can't we start preparing tomorrow?"

The Christmas Empress shook her head. "We have to start preparing now! So start making your list and checking them twice. It's time to find out if you're naughty or nice. Santa Nero is coming to town!"

Izumi turned towards her boss with a confused look on her face. "Why she so excited about Christmas? Isn't she the emperor that—"

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