S n o w

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Summary: After y/n sees the snow outside, she wants to build a snowman. She begs Draco to build a snowman with her, and he agrees.

As my eyes fluttered open, I quickly noticed room was lighter than usual. I gently lifted my head up, not wanting to wake Draco, and looked outside the window. My eyes lit up as I noticed snow spread everywhere.

I quickly rolled over until I was lying on top of Draco before straddling his waist. I left kisses everywhere for him to wake up. He smiled at my gestures, as his eyes fluttered open. I gently leaned in, to kiss him on the lips.

"What's the reason behind this, princess" He asked with his morning voice, with a smirk on his face. I giggled and kissed him on the lips again.

"It's snowing, we have to build a snowman" I said with a pouty face. "Please"

"Only if you wake me up like this more often" He said, as he chuckled. The excitement grew in me, I leaned in for a kiss and hugged him tightly.

"Lets grab breakfast first, okay?" Draco said, as he cupped my face. I nodded in agreement.


"What are we gonna be doing today?" Tori said, looking around at our friend group Blaise, Draco and me.

"Well my girlfriend, woke me up to tell we had to build a snowman today" Draco said while smirking, as he slithered his arms around my waist. I giggled thinking of earlier.

"Sometimes I wonder If there's a 5 year old living in your body" Blaise said, making my hit his chest jokingly. Everyone laughed at my gesture.


Draco and I went outside to build the snowman. Blaise and Tori thought it would be amusing to watch me a Draco build it, so they sat on a bench watching us.

After a while, we finally managed to build it.

"We did it" Draco said out of breath, while walking away from the snowman, we had just build. I happily walked towards Draco to kiss him, little did he know the a had a handful of snow in my hand. He wrapped his arms around me and brought my waist closer to him. Just before his lips met mine, I brought the handful snow in onto his face.

"You little" He didn't finish his sentence, as he began to run after me. I couldn't contain my giggling, as he ran after me. "Im so gonna get you back, princess" he said.

I could the laughing coming from the bench. "You're in deep shit, Sagey" Blaise shouted, while watching Draco run after me.

After a while of running, I quickly found a tree that I hid behind, hoping that he wouldn't find me. As I noticed, he wasn't anywhere near, I decided to peck my head out from the side of the tree. I slowly walked away from the tree to see where he was. Suddenly I heard someone say "boo" right in my ear, as soon as I turned around I saw Draco with a snowball in his hand. I tried to run away, but Draco grabbed my arm hard. So hard that it made us slip and fall. Draco fell on top of me, but he was kept up by his arms, that were placed on both sides of my face.

"Got you" Draco, said with a smirk on his face, as his cold finger rubbed against my cold cheek.

"Your face is a bit red" I said, while giggling.

Suddenly Draco straddled my waist and he began tickling. I couldn't stop giggling, as I am extremely ticklish. "Dra-" I said countless times, but I couldn't managed to get his name out as I was giggling.

"What was that, love?" he said with a smirk on his face. He kept going, making me giggle even more. Suddenly he stopped. As I tried to catch my breath, he just sat on top me, staring deep in my eyes.

"Now let's finish off from before" He said, as he leaned into a passionate kiss.

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