Chapter 4

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I had taken the blame solely onto myself for the attack, for no one else had the power to foresee things, such as I. I only wished to be alone, when I was confronted by Merewen. She told me it was not my fault, no one could have known of the ambush, to which I retorted that I should have, for that is my power, and again, I placed the blame fully on myself. I was caught off guard when Merewen struck me, for I was in deep thought. This brought me to my senses for the moment, and I admitted to myself and Merewen that my own emotions were the sole cause of my faulty power. I told Merewen that I needed to ponder upon my own thoughts for a while, and with that, I headed into the woods.

I found a spot where I could be alone, and there I pondered things that were.


I was alone on the archery range, where I could practice the skills that I loved so much in hopes that I could master them. I shot arrow after arrow, only to have them veer off course and miss the target entirely. “What is my problem? I could do this before, but why am I failing now?”

“‘Tis a simple answer milady, for your stance is faulty,” came a voice from behind me. I was startled, for I thought I was alone. I turned around to see one of the warriors that I had seen many a time throughout Lorien, but never had I met him personally.

“My stance is faulty, you say. How so?”

“Well first of all, you are you are leaning into the bow, second of all, you are breathing at the wrong time.”

“And how do you know this, my Lord?”

“Oh please, no formalities, milady. Please just call me Helas.”

“Very well Helas, but you never answered my question. How do you know that my stance is flawed?”

“Just from watching you, and I know what makes an arrow veer from its course for I once had the same problem. I am a Warrior, which I am sure you know, and archery is one of my skills.”

“Well then come, and show me how it is to be done.”

Helas walked over to where I had previously stood and notched his bow. He took only a second to prepare, and then he let the arrow fly. It flew through the air and hit the bull’s eye, followed by three more arrows each splitting the previous. I was in slight awe, for he definitely knew what he was doing.

“Let me try.” I said, while trying to fall into the same pose that Helas had just shown. I let my arrow loose, and it, once again, went astray, heading off into the bushes. I was about to try again, when I felt Helas’s hand press in between my shoulder blade changing my stance slightly. Then he stood in the same position directly behind me and placed his arms atop my own. I could feel his breath upon my cheek; this was making concentrating most difficult.

“Now take slow breaths, and when you feel ready, exhale and release the arrow, but keep both eyes open.” I did as he instructed, and he led me through the movements. When the arrow was let loose, I watched as it hit the bull’s eye.

I shrieked with excitement, twirled around, and hugged Helas, tightly while saying, “Thank you so much.” I was so excited with this that I never saw Helas lowering his head, until I felt his soft lips upon my own.

Before I knew what hit me, he pulled away saying, “My pleasure Inwe!” and left me there stunned and in wonder of how he knew my name.

*End Flashback*

This was the first of many happy memories that I had of Helas, it brought tears to my eyes, which I quickly wiped away. I headed back to camp, for it was time for us to be off once more.


During this part of the journey through the mountains, I noticed that it got slightly colder, though it did not bother me much, for I was too immersed in my own thoughts to care. I could sense Merewen’s eyes upon me several times, probably worried about me, though she never voiced her worries.

We continued for some time, and the cold never let up. I noticed that of everyone affected by the cold of our party, Merewen was affected the most. She was constantly shivering, and her lips looked a pale shade of blue, but whenever she was asked if she needed help, she would simply brush the concerned person off, saying she was fine. I suppose she didn’t want to slow us down anymore than she had to.

We decided to find shelter for the time because we all needed the warmth. We searched for a short while until we found a small cavern in which we could take refuge. I lay down next to the fire, and Merewen did the same. I, however, let my thoughts, yet again, slip to Helas.

When I awoke, I looked across the fire to Merewen only to find Elladan kneeling before her, shaking her slightly. He was, by the looks of it, trying to wake her, though she did not budge. This is when I saw her face.

She was white, and her lips were now a fierce shade of blue. “Oh no!” I said flying over to them. “Please let her be alright.”

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