Chapter 4

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Nicolas passed his so called 'friends' which gave him cold and disgusted looks. "Ohh look at that new faggot. Tell us where are you from?", a hard voice from behind asked him. He turned on his heel and faced the guy with a cold look (A/N btw the look was colder than my soul >:-) ). Then he stormed off. That arrogant idiot, Nico thought angrily while opening his locker and grabbing his books for his lessons. As he arrived at his classroom he took a deep breath before opening the door and walking to the back of the chemistry laboratory. Nicolas took a seat in the the corner of the room and waited for the other pupils to come, hoping that he could sit alone by himself. As always his wish hasn't been fulfild. A petite, blue haired girl went straight up to him, took the seat next to him and said: "Hi, I'm dead wanna hook up?" 

Nicolas just looked at her with a confused expression. "American Horror Story? Tate? Don't you know this series? Well, I'm sorry I have a disease called "Fangirl-Syndrom". I just finished the first season and I love it soo....", the girl talked and talked and talked and after a some time he just stopped listening and stared into nothing. She didn't seem to notice because she just babbled until every student and the teacher came in and started the lesson. The teacher started to check on attendance, after some time she reached the letter "L" and she asked for a girl named 'Katelyn Lewis'. The hand of the blue haired girl went up in the air. Ahh, finally our smurf got a name., Nicolas thought with a nasty grin. Right after her, Ms Collins, the biology teacher, called out the name: "Mason, Nicolas?" And Nico's hand shot up, which caused everyone to look at him in shock. They stared at him in disbelief. "Well, this is going to ba a long lesson with a lots of stares.", Nicolas thought slightly annoyed.

After some very long lessons, and by that Nicolas meant lessons which felt like ages, he finally had lunchbreak.

He grabbed his bag, went to the cafeteria, and took his seat at the table of the "popular kids". The all looked at him with hatred and disgust. They really don't recognise me... assholes. And something like that were my "friends", Nico thought bitterly. "This is the stool of Nicolas Mason you sick emo.", a blond girl snapped. Nicolas lifted his bangs, stared at them with cold eyes and said sweetly: "I am Nicolas. Actually I am really disappointed that you didn't notice Jenny."

"You are kidding. There is no way that a outcast like you could be one of the football team." "Oh really? Well, I will just say 2 words: Friday night.", and with this the now black haird boy got up, grabbed his bag and sat on a table. Alone. It hurt but he would hide it. You will be always like this. Alone. You are a loner, Nico thought.

But he wasn't alone anymore 'cause the blue haired girl came up to him. Yeah, great the last thing I need is a smurf which has nothing better to do than annoy me. How was her name again? Katey? Nope it was different but it started with "Kate". Got it. Katelyn, Nico thought annoyed.

"Hey. I can't believe it you are Nicolas, Nicolas Mason. The hot football player. Gosh this style suits you ten times better. You are hot....", she said.

"Well uhm thanks?! What do you want?"

"Hey no need to be such an idiot. I just wanted to be friends with you because you have a pretty good taste in music, as far as I can see.", Katelyn said with a confused expression. Someone actually wanted to be friends with him? That was new. And she seemed to like him for who he is not what he has to be. He grabbed her hand and shook it. "Hello, I'm Nicolas Mason. Nice to meet you. But there is something you need to know about me, uhm... I am gay."

Kate let out a high pitched scream and scared him half to death. "Yay finally I have a gay best friend." "Woah wait, we hardly know each other.  How do you know that you could trust me." "I just know it Nico." Maybe I don't have to be all alone, he thought and smiled a real smile.

And of the 4th Chapter. I hope you liked it. Please vote, comment and share it. And please leave some ideas how I could continue this.
Love your Sweetsecret15 ^-^

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