10. Stay

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       I got a little carried away when we were talking about families and ended up telling him more than required. Talking about mom always made me sad, may be it was because of how we fought the last time that I saw her. I remember it clear as today, I was about to enroll in university and I wanted her to be there with me but she wanted to be somewhere else and hence the drama. Sometimes I feel like our life would have been much easier if I wasn't so dramatic back then. Taehyung brings me out of my thoughts by telling me some ridiculous stories about his childhood. Of course he got into trouble, frequently. The rest of dinner was filled with our laughter. He is a nice company and really intuitive, if someone's uncomfortable taehyung knows how to bring the comfort back.
       After dinner he suggested watching a movie. We settle in front of his huge ass T.V and he opens Netflix.
       "What do you want to see?"
I just want to see you, you can put anything on the T.V I don't really mind, I think to myself.
"Let's watch 'Crash landing on you', it's a great drama plus Hyun Bin is yummy", that's what I say out loud.
       "You like Hyun bin?", he asks.
"Yeah. He's good looking and his dramas are good too"
       "I've met him a few times, he's not very talkative"
For a second I just forgot that I was with Kim taehyung, that the whole world wanted a piece of him. Because for a second I thought he was a star just in my sky. That I was a normal girl on a date with a normal boy. But his statement reminded me that he's met most of the people that I see on T.V and admire. Him too. I admire him a lot. And now not just for the face and talent but I don't know how to explain it, it's more personal than it was ever before.
"Hey, what just passed through your head?", I don't know if he's in my head or something? How does he figures out that something is on my mind? Or is it just that there's no poker in my future?
"It's nothing", I say trying to get him of the topic.
"It is something because it stole your smile and now your eyes look a little sad", as I said intuitive.
" I was just thinking that we are different from each other", I reply. He thinks for a second and then says,
"Isn't everyone different. I mean you could be next to some guy who does a proper 9 to 5 job and still come to the same conclusion, that you both are different?"
No, because he won't be someone who meets fucking Hyun Bin or other celebrities on regular basis but I get his point.
"Well when you put it like that...."
"Don't think too much, just be here with me right now babe", he says with a smile.
"So have you seen crash landing on you before?"
"I don't have that much time"
"Okay Mr busy let's get started, I want to finish at least half of the episodes so that'll you'd want to see more later when I'm not.. just later"
And before he could say anything, I click on the play button. I've already seen it but it's a good enough to rewatch. Thirty minutes into the drama, he pulls me closer on the comfy couch and makes me more comfortable. His warmth and scent are tantalising. I definitely want to take a bite.
"Okay?", he asks.
"More than okay", I reply and he chuckles.
An hour later, when we're half way through the second episode and I'm looking at the screen and laughing when I realise that taehyung is not laughing with me (I keep looking at him to see if he's enjoying the drama or not and mostly we're laughing together) so I turn around to see him. And he's staring at me, there's not much distance between our faces since we were cuddling. I look up in his eyes which are on my lips and naturally my eyes goes to his lips. Then gravity did it's thing and his lips crash landed on mine. If you could picture my mind right now; it would be sunshine, flowers, unicorns and rainbows.
"Is this okay Arya?", I simply nod my head and we go back to kissing. After a few minutes we separate for air and he pulls me up on his lap.
"Fuck. you're amazing", and then we're back to kissing again. Then it's hands and skin and trying to get close to each other. I freaking finally got my hands in his hair. It's so soft just like it looks. I hear an annoying noise from somewhere. And it's persistent. As the fog clears my brain registers that it's a phone ringing somewhere. Taehyung groans and our lips separate.
       "I hate to do this but it's Jin hung I'd have to take it", he says
I mutter a disappointed "Okay" and move aside. He gets up and grabs his phone which was put on charging. I realign my clothes and look at the screen it's third episode, OMG. We made out for almost half an hour? It felt like two seconds! I pick up my phone and see two calls - one from RV and another from Anil uncle (my agent). I text RV that I'm out and will be late probably. I don't want to talk or text Anil uncle right now. He's just gonna remind me to work. A lot of notifications are there which I don't really have time to respond to so I just ignore.
       Taehyung comes back with a frown on his face, "yes! okay. I said I got it, hyung!", he says. A pause and then, "Yes, good night. I'm hanging up now."
       He is still frowning "Everything okay?", I ask him.
       "Yes yes. It was Jin hyung reminding me about our early morning schedule tomorrow"
"What's there to frown about?", I ask him. He sits on the couch puts me on his lap again and then says,
       "May be I just wanted to stay up all night and tomorrow's schedule is coming in my way"
Oh My God!(Dramatically just like Janice from friends) I don't know if it's heart attack or my heart straight up stopped beating. I'm speechless and blushing and at the same time my body wants to take him up on his offer.
       "Can you stay with me Arya?"
What does he mean by that? I look at him questioningly "What?"
       "Stay the night here. I mean, we will just cuddle and go to sleep, nothing else"
"Like we were cuddling and watching T.V?" He laughs and then says, "No no, smart ass, not like that. I swear I'll be a good boy"
I am not really sure if I want him to be a good boy.

No matter where we are right now
Wherever you are
I know you always stay.... 🎶
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