The Swamp

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We keep descending and Sokka is the only one to notice. "Wait, hey Aang? Did you realize we're going down?"

He has no response so I get up and go right behind him and yell in his ear."Hello? AANG YOU PASICIFIST! Look up SOZIN's COMET!"

"What!" His voice in panic, he's looking all around.

"Alright why did you keep making us go down?"

"Oh I'm feeling, connected to go downwards."

"Well could you stop?"

"I'm feeling connected to the earth, do you want me to stop?"

"I mean why did we point it out?" This dense idiot.
"Sorry swamp!" We turn around on Appa then I see a tornado? I grip on so closely and tightly since I don't want to die, or fall into the forest below.

We all scream very, very loud, then we all fell thrown off course by the tornado. I fell in water right next by Sokka, our hands touching, we both blush and then take our hands away quickly. "Wait where's Appa and Momo?" I ask standing up.
Aang starts to get up and yell their names while the three of us start to walk around the area.

"Sokka, you have an elbow leech."
"Where? WHERE!"
"Gee I wonder." I mumble.
"Where do ya think?"

He turns to rip it off,"why do things keep attaching to me?" He yells and I start to laugh as this happens. Aang returns back by swinging on a vine,"you couldn't find them?"

"No, and the tornado, its like it disappeared."

We all stare to my right and see the depth of the swamp. Vines and trees on going further into the horizon. "We better speed things up!" Sokka grabs his machete and starts to swing it at the vines.

"Maybe we should be a little, nicer to the swamp."

"By what? They're only leaves." I said
"What do you expect me to say? Please and thank you as I swing my machete back and forth?"

"Maybe you should listen to Aang. This seems alive."

"Do any of you know that everything is alive? Even water, just different." I observe.

They all stare at me in confused tones.
"Yes, I'm sure much of everything is alive here. And if you don't want to be eaten by them, we need to find Appa as fast as we can!"


"Appa! Momo?"

"There is no way that they can hear us and no way we can see them. Well we'll have to make camp tonight."

Then I see something rise into the air. "What was that?"

"Swamp gas." I roll my eyes.
"See there's nothing supernatural about this."

We all hear it, the sound of a human screeching. We all grab onto one another for the feeling of comfort. "I think we should build a fire!" Sokka goes away from the others and I follow, emiting light off my flame in my hand.

He chops off a part of a tree then Aang and Katara start to walk towards us. "Sokka the more we're here, the more I'm not sure you should be doing that."

"No I asked the swamp, they said it's fine."
"The swamp allowed us to use it's resources. I can confirm!" I add on forcing a smile.
"Right swamp? You got it Sokka!" He moves a tree root and says that.

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