Chapter 3 - This Sudden Obsession

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Camila watched Shawn surreptitiously beneath her lashes as he laughed with her mother. The restaurant was a small, family-owned place within walking distance of the house. The food was authentic and delicious and she was enjoying herself. She had always had a kind of crush on Shawn. It had been worse during the "I Know What You Did Last Summer" period, they had a little fling then, but afterward they were hardly ever in the same place at the same time, and although they kept in touch, they had little time together alone, and they had convinced each other it was nothing more than friendship. Now, however, she couldn't stop looking at him, memorising his face, dying to run her hand through his longer hair, wanting to kiss those lips.... She shook her head, trying to dispel the images. Surely this sudden obsession was related to the strange dreams they were both having? She was itching to talk to him more about it.

"Mija?" She realised her mother had been talking to her.

"Oh, sorry, miles away. What Mama?"

"Have you finished? We were thinking we should make it an early night. You have a big day tomorrow, soundcheck, the radio interview and then the performance tomorrow night."

"Yes, I'm done, and you're right, an early night is a good idea, even if I just go to bed and read."

They paid the bill and left for the short walk back to the house. Mama's phone rang as they walked outside, it was Papa and she and Shawn called out hello then Mama walked on ahead to have some privacy. She walked beside Shawn in silence at first.

"I remember riding up this road, in a carriage with an older man, a Don, I was his guest."

"Really? How far away was his house? I wonder if it's still there?"

"Maybe we can go look at some point."

"I won't have time, I'm due to leave the day after the performance, although they offered the house to me for longer if I wanted a little vacay."

He nodded. "Back to Miami, or LA?"

"Miami, I don't have any commitments for the rest of the month, I've been so busy lately, I just needed a break after this." She looked at him sideways. "What about you?"

"Not sure, I was in LA, but I don't have anything for the next few weeks. I was thinking of going home to Toronto for a bit, but everyone else is so busy, it can get a bit lonely."

"Wow, both of us with no commitments, that has to be a first!" her laugh sounded forced to her own ears but her heart was thumping.

"OK you two, who wants a cup of tea before bed?" Sinu had finished her phone call and waited at the front gate for them. She entered the code and opened the side gate for them to walk through as they both took up her offer. On one hand, Camila couldn't wait until everyone was in bed and she could go and talk to Shawn, but on the other she was nervous, almost afraid, and wanted to put off the moment. The house was dark when they walked in, and Sinu switched the lights on in the entry and down to the kitchen. Camila was almost afraid to look into the parlour as she passed, wondering if the brown eyed girl would be there again. She flicked a glance, but the modern furniture sat alone in the gloom and she was a little relieved.

She helped Mama make the tea and handed one to Shawn. Their fingers touched as he took it from her and she almost spilled the hot liquid over him and apologised for the jolt. He looked like she had zapped him with a taser and when their eyes held for a moment, she felt the electricity throughout her whole body. Sinu chattered on oblivious to the undercurrent and a short while later she collected all their cups and put them in the dishwasher then said goodnight.

"Do you need me for anything, either of you?" she asked. When they answered no she smiled and said goodnight to Shawn. "Coming mija?" she asked Camila and she could think of no way to get out of it so she mumbled goodnight and followed her mother up the stairs.

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