Chapter 5 - A Sense of Dread

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Camila woke up restless and tired and, looking in the mirror, she grimaced at the dark smudges under her eyes.  She had eventually fallen asleep after fleeing Shawn in the solarium and her dreams had been fractured and frantic, starring Shawn, soundtrack by Shawn.  She had woken and gone into the bathroom, splashing her face at the sink and having a long pull of her water bottle before returning to bed in the early hours, only to dream of Clara and Sebastaio again. They had been in a garden behind Don Miguel's house and there had been a passionate kiss that had rocked her socks off, if she'd been wearing any. But it was what was going through Clara's mind, some of which she had voiced to Sebastaio, that had her so pensive this morning.  Clara had every intention of taking the Portuguese visitor to her bed, so that he could teach her the ways of love, before she married the old Don her mother had chosen.

Something had occurred to her and she was stunned she hadn't thought of it before, but wondered if there was a reason for that, perhaps she and Shawn were not only being led by the dreams, but also led away from other things. Like researching the history of the house, and the real lives of Clara and Sebastaio. She needed to speak to Shawn about it, but she was feeling awkward about it. When she had left his room the night before, she had been excited and looking forward to the plan of staying in Mexico and searching for la Rosa de Oro, but after the scene in the solarium, and discovering Clara's plans, she was not so sure. She was feeling a need to return to Miami with Mama as planned, where she was safe and away from this place, and Shawn.

She showered and dressed, putting off going downstairs until she had to.  She met her mother on her way up the stairs to wake her.

"There you are, it is not like you to sleep so late.  Come on, you need to get ready, you have the radio interview in an hour!"

Damn, she had forgotten!  She had an outfit for it, she had better go get changed and do her hair and make up.  Hair and make up artists would be provided tonight but it was up to her today.

"Oh, and mija, Shawn went out early, to do some sightseeing.  But he'll be coming to the show tonight.  I've arranged for him to have access."

"Thanks Mama," Camila said before running up the stairs.  She grabbed her phone and sent out a text.

C: What are you up to?

She began to get ready while she waited for him to answer and was halfway through her make-up when the phone buzzed.

S: What do you mean? I'm not up to anything.

C: You know what I mean. Are you doing RESEARCH?

S: I'm at a private historical library seeing what I can find, and I've been to Don Miguel's.

Ooooh, that man! He knew she wanted to go too!

C: Why didn't you wait for me?

S: I wasn't sure if you were still interested.

C: Were you going to go looking for IT without me?

S: I don't know, but I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd do this.

C: You mean you were avoiding me

S: Of course not

C: Liar

S: Well if I did why not? You RAN away from me last night. This morning.

What did she say to that?  He was right, and to be honest she was glad he was out, because she didn't know how she was going to face him.

C: It was overwhelming. Sometimes, her feelings are like that. I don't know which are hers are which are mine, yk?

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