Chapter 13 - Eternally Broken

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Zacatecas, Mexico – present day

Camila sighed and stretched. She lay in the safety of Shawn's arms and she felt replete and deliciously relaxed.

"Morning," he said to her, leaning down to kiss her nose. "How are you feeling?"

"Wonderful," she purred, kissing his lips in reply. "I love how you asked me what I wanted and listened to me. It's refreshing."

"Refreshing? Not hot, sexy, amazing, mind blowing...."

She chuckled. "All those things too."

"Did you dream of them?" he asked, frowning and rubbing his forehead as if he wasn't sure.

She thought hard. Had she? And then, as if it had been hiding back in her brain somewhere and had decided to push it's way to the front of the audience, she suddenly remembered everything and sat up in shock.

"Oh that Francisco!"

Shawn was frowning. "What an asshole!"

"They found the rose though! It was in the cave, I knew it!"

"He hasn't got it yet though," Shawn reminded her. "I don't know if I trust Don Miguel."

She fell back against the pillows. "She's so brave, she made him afraid to touch her, he's actually afraid of his father."

Shawn let out a sigh. "Sebastaio was worried what he would do to her."

Camila turned on her side and propped her head on her hand. "She is in love with him."

"He's in love with her too."

"She doesn't know that, he needs to tell her." Men could be so stupid sometimes.

"Surely she can tell?" he asked, looking uncomfortable. "He said he was, that he was taking her back to Lisbon as his wife."

"Can he tell that she is in love with him?" Camila asked with sass. "She thinks he only said that as a way of saving her reputation."

Shawn stared at her with an unfathomable gaze. "No, he's never been able to tell," he said softly. She felt her heart thump. She had a feeling they were no longer talking about Clara and Sebastaio. "I don't think he knows, he probably hopes so but is too scared to ask."

"Why doesn't he just tell her how he feels?" she asked. What if he really was just talking about Sebastaio?

"Why doesn't she just tell him how SHE feels?" he asked.

They stared at each other and then he leaned moved to lay close to her, their faces almost touching, their bodies pressed against each other. She draped one leg over him and he moved his between hers so that they were tangled up together. He pushed her hair behind her ear.

"Do you want me to say it first?" he whispered.

She nodded. Yes, she did. Her heart was thudding so hard she felt like her whole body was shaking. He kissed her lips, softly, sweetly, with every emotion in him. When he pulled away he stared into her eyes.

"I love you, I always have, you know that."

"No, I didn't know. I love you too."

"You do, huh?"

She sighed and ruffled his curls. "So what do we do now?"

"I think we should have a little nap so we can find out what happens next," he said.

"I'm not tired," she complained with a pout, sliding her arms around his neck.

His smile widened. "I think I can help with that."

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