Chapter 9 - The Overwhelming Force Of It

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Priory of St Agustin, New Spain – 1770

Clara's heart was beating out of her chest and her whole body was covered in gooseflesh. The only person to see her naked since she was a child was her maid but here she was.  Please, say something, do something, she begged him with her eyes.  She had used all her courage to get this far.  A small smile crept over his face and he stepped towards her.

"Senorita Estrabao, are you seducing me in a monastery?"

"I don't know, am I?  Right now I am just standing here terrified."

His smile faded and his eyes grew dark.  He was standing right in front of her now. 

"You never need to be afraid of me, Clara, I will never hurt you."

"I know," she said. And it was true, she trusted him.

"Do you understand what you're doing to me?" he whispered.  She shook her head and he groaned and slid his hands into her hair, holding her head in his large hands, and he kissed her, just like he had before, only even deeper, longer, and more intensely.  He still hadn't touched her body, and she knew from her friends that he would want to.

"I don't understand anything," she said innocently. "Will you show me?"

"This," he said, taking her hand and pressing it against him. "This is what you do to me."

She had horses, she knew the technicalities of mating, she knew what she was feeling. But she was unprepared for her own response.  Her nipples puckered and a heavy liquid feeling throbbed between her legs.  She felt her breath quicken. She grabbed his hand and lifted it, placing it over her bare breast, gasping at his touch.  She stared up at him, her lips parted. He groaned and wrapped his arms around her, lifting her up and carrying her to the small cot.  He lay her down gently then stood in front of her and began to remove his own clothes.  She watched in fascination as he bared his strong arms and chest, with it's sprinkling of hair, his long legs and finally his manhood, larger than she imagined.  She stared at it in fascination as he lay on the cot beside her.  It was so small they were automatically pressed up against each other. She found herself staring into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" he asked. "Tell me at any time if you don't want to do this, I will stop."

"I don't want you to stop," she assured him. And she didn't. Even though she was scared, she also wanted him, more than she had wanted anything in her life before.

He began to kiss her again and this time he let his hand caress her from her shoulder to her breast where he touched her in ways that made her catch her breath, sending tingles shooting through her, then he lowered his mouth and she gasped. She had never imagined she could feel such things. She closed her eyes and grasped his hair.  Then as he suckled her, his hand moved, caressing her belly and hip and thighs, then gently opening her legs. She knew very little but she trusted him.  He began to touch her, softly, stroking, caressing, and her eyes flew open in amazement.

"Oh!" she exclaimed.  This is what they had been telling her about, her friends, it felt incredible. But he hadn't finished, his explorations continued and he began a rhythmic rubbing and suddenly she was being lifted higher and higher and she wanted something but she didn't know what it was.  She was reaching for it, whimpering, clutching his shoulders as he kissed her lips, murmuring encouragement, calling her sweet endearments and asking her to give herself to him and then she exploded.  She arched off the cot with a cry.  He kept his fingers inside her and he used them to enter her, exploring further.  She felt a slight pain but it was encased in unbelievable pleasure.

He moved to lay on top of her.  "This will hurt a little querida, but only this first time, it is normal. After that, it will not hurt any more, I promise."  She nodded. She had heard about this and she had been prepared.

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