Chapter 8 - A Rollicking Adventure

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Shawn entered the address of the old priory into his GPS while Camila and Diego finished packing everything into the back of the jeep. It was about 9.30am and they would be at the priory by midday. Camila climbed in beside him and Diego hopped into the back with the chiller full of water and fruit.  Camila was so excited she was literally jumping up and down.  She connected her playlist and by the time they hit the highway they were singing along and Diego commented that he was literally getting a free concert and would be the envy of all his friends, but he sang along and he was in tune if not particularly a good singer and they were all laughing and when they forgot words or got the tune wrong. 

They stopped for gas and then found a place to drive off so they could have a snack before moving on.  He didn't know what he was expecting, but it wasn't the brick fortress they approached.  It was fenced off with huge gates and Camila hopped out and pressed the button on the intercom, starting a conversation in brisk Spanish.  Her tone rose and fell and he wasn't sure where it was going until she turned with a grin and a thumbs up and then ran back to the car as the large gates began to open.

There was a sign pointing to visitors parking and they followed it and parked, along with a number of other vehicles.  They then followed the signs to the entrance, and walking inside there was a man in a long black robe who introduced himself as Brother Hector. 

"Welcome to the Priory of St Agustin," he said in Spanish, which Camila and Diego took turns in translating.  "I speak English if that is easier," he smiled. "We are not an active Priory now, merely a museum and receptacle for historical artifacts."

The three adventurers looked at each other with excitement.  "We are looking for a particular item that may have been left here, or hidden here, around 1540."

Brother Hector smiled. "That is a long time ago, and the priory was a only a small wooden building at that time with only a small number of brothers, and a Prior to oversee a number of local priories, but let us see what we can find.  What was the artifact he would have left with us?"

Camila described it to him in Spanish and repeated in English for Shawn's benefit.

"I'm sure we don't have anything as unique as that, but I do have something.  Come with me."

He led them into the museum, which contained artifcacts found in the area from Aztec through to items from the various wars.  It was dark, with only the exhibits lit, but they didn't pause long enough to look at anything.  Brother Hector stopped in front of a display of various items, none of which looked anything like the rose.  He gestured to a sketch, one of many, framed on the wall above.  There were plaques beneath each one with an explanation but they weren't necessary.

"That's him," Camila whispered, pointing to the sketch of a man holding a golden rose.  "Even if he wasn't holding the rose, I'd know, he looks just like you and Sebastaio."

Brother Hector looked at them sharply. "Sebastaio? Sebastaio Mendes?"

Shawn exchanged a look with Camila.  "Yes," he said.

"Well, that's a well known name around here."

"It is?" Camila asked. "Why?"

"Come, I'll show you."  He led them through the little maze of the museum to a room at the back.  A large painting was mounted on the wall and Shawn stopped in astonishment. It was like looking in a mirror.  Camila walked right up to it, her hand out, stopping before she touched the painting.

"It's him...." She whispered.  "Why do you have this?"

"Well, it's a long story.  Do you want to stay here tonight?"

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