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by the time the bell signaling the end of class finally rang, Hadley had missed everything the teacher taught that class due to her daydreaming. she felt a pit form in her stomach. music class was next, which meant performing. she was not only nervous from the thought of having to play in front of people, but also because she knew that today was julie's last shot at staying in the program. she really hoped julie was able to stay, as it was the only class they had together since hadley was in the grade above her.

hadley and julie had been best friends since grade school. their moms were very close friends which meant the girls spent a lot of time together. they grew up together and were practically sisters.

hadley held her books close to her chest and kept her head down as she made her way down the halls to find julie and flynn before music class. she finally spotted them standing by julies locker and quickly walked up to them.

hadley offers them a smile but says nothing, not wanting to interrupt. both girls greet her quickly before returning to their conversation.

"okay, i know you don't want us to ask you this, but have you figured out what you're going to do today?" flynn asks julie, and hadley instantly understands what they're talking about.

since her mom died almost a year ago, hadley had been doing everything she could to try and help julie play again, but she always refused.

"i'll know in the moment." julie sighs and hadley rolls her eyes.

"really jules?" flynn looks at her with pleading eyes. "that's all you're giving us? Ms. Harrison said this is your last chance."

"i know." julie say, sounding somewhat defeated. "i was there." she reminds flynn.

"see you at the rally!" a high pitched voice comes from behind the girls, making them all turn to look.

"ugh, what is she handing out?" flynn complains, disgust clear in her voice.

"desperation?" julie jokes, making the other two girls laugh slightly.

a few moments later carrie walked up the the three girls standing a few feet away.

"here you go!" she hands each of them a flyer. "my groups performing at the spirit rally this week!" Carrie speaks with fake excitement. "i'm sure you guys have nothing better to do."

"oh my gosh! carrie, thanks!" flynn responds sarcastically and haldley finds herself fighting off a smile. she knew if she laughed it would draw carries attention to her and she really didn't want that. especially not before she had to play in front of her entire music class.

"oh my gosh! flynn, don't bother coming!" carrie mimicked her tone and then turns to Hadley with a wicked grin. "good luck today. i'm sure you'll need it." she says before shooting one last glare at each girl and walking away.

hadley took a deep breath in an attempt to relieve the weight that she felt growing on her chest and turns back to the girls. flynn was balling up the flyer in anger as hadley noticed julie staring past her with a wide grin in her face.

"nick?" flynn asks quickly, also noticing the dreamy look in julie's eyes. "still? you know they're gonna get married and have a bunch of unholy babies." hadley feels a small smile grow on her face at flynn's joke.

"nicks a sweetheart." julie defends and hadley rolls her eyes.

"yeah, you'd actually have to talk to him to know that." flynn explains and hadley nods in agreement. "and only one of them has to be a demon, to make a demon baby." she tells them in a hushed tone before yelling across the room, "Demon!". carrie spins her heels to look at the girls, who whip their head towards the locker to hide their snickering. "there's that smile!" flynn point to julies happy face. "now, let's go prove everybody wrong."

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