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James dropped Cordelia's hands. They were no longer dancing. James turned away from Cordelia without a word and strode across the room toward the newcomers. She stood, frozen in confusion, as James bent to kiss the hand of the stunningly beautiful girl who had just walked into the room. Titters rose on the dance floor. Lucie had stepped back from Matthew, her eyes wide. Alastair and Thomas both turned to look at Cordelia with expressions of surprise.

At any moment, Cordelia knew, her mother would notice that she was drifting in the middle of the dance floor like an abandoned tugboat and charge toward her, and then Cordelia would die. She would die of the humiliation. Cordelia was scanning the room for the nearest exit, ready to flee, when a hand grasped her arm. She was spun around and into an expert grip: a moment later she was dancing again, her feet automatically following her partner's.

"That's right." It was Matthew Fairchild. Fair hair, spicy cologne, a blur of a smile. His hands were gentle as he swept her back into the waltz. "Just—try to smile, and no one will notice anything happened. James and I are practically interchangeable in the public consciousness anyway."

"James—left," Cordelia said, in shock.

"I know," said Matthew. "Very bad form. One should not leave a lady on the dance floor unless something is actually on fire. I'll have a word."

"A word," Cordelia echoed. She was beginning to feel less stunned and more angry. "A word?"

"Several words, if it will make you feel better?"

Quotes Part 4Where stories live. Discover now