Part Eleven | The Government

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The next morning Eva'Luna found herself awake to aggressive pounding on the door. She got out of bed and threw on some clothes that would cover up the mark on her knee. She ran down the staircase and opened the door to see men dressed in suits and ties.

"Hello, have you seen someone named Eva'Luna Falls?" One man asked.

"That would be me s-sir..." She replied.

"Ah...boys, take her." The man then motioned for people to go grab her. Eva ran up the stairs on instinct and locked the door to her room.

Mason and Emily woke up to the sound of people running through the house looking for her. Emily held out her arms and Eva ran into them trying to breath. She was having a panic attack.

Raven's portal appeared in the room and he popped out, he looked scared and confused.

"Eva! Calm down so I can I use my powers please." He said, looking around frantically.
"These people are going to figure out where you are and if I can't get you out of this house then we are both screwed!"

Eva'Luna looked at him and tried to calm herself. "W-what do they want f-from me..?" She asked, crying. Raven sighed and looked at the door.

"You three pack a bag, I'm going to go get your mom and we are going to the cabin. I'll explain there. Hurry now, not enough time." Raven said,he fell through his portal.

Once everyone was done they got into the cabin to meet Jacob and the twins. "The stupid doctors can't be trusted." Draven mumbled.

Jacob saw Eva crying and having trouble breathing, he then looked to his son who looked scared and his powers were obviously going down.

"Sit down Kaitlyn. Your children as well, I'm taking these moon babies with me." Jacob said, Miss Falls nodded and motioned Emily and Mason to follow her as Jacob took the others into another room.

"Dad, I'm going to f-faint." Raven murmured, he held onto Eva who had now stopped crying so she could make sure Raven was okay.

"Raven, stop being dramatic and..." Jacob paused when Raven fell to the floor unconscious.

Everyone gathered around him worried. "Shouldn't you try to at least make sure he's okay before telling him it's being dramatic!" Eva said, putting her head on ravens back and trying to stop herself from crying again.

"I know, but he needs to be stronger than this! He's weak and he knows it." Jacob said, bitterness in his tone. The twins glared at Jacob and teleported all of them away.


"Raven, wake up.." Eva pleaded. The twins were staring into space,they were getting weaker as well. Raven's eyes opened lightly at the sound of her voice and she smiled. He began to sit up but as soon as he got onto his knees his head fell into her shoulder and he groaned.

"Everything hurts..." He whispered. The twins ran over and checked to make sure he was alright. "Eva, none of us are strong enough to get back home. Can you try making a portal to get to your mom and siblings? It's not safe out here in the city with government looking for us." Leila asked, her voice scratchy.

Eva nodded and stood up. She tried her hardest but it just didn't work. Raven coughed and looked at her. "Love, you need to focus." He told her. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. A portal started to form and she helped everyone in.

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