Part Twenty-Six | The Twins Past

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Hey my lovely cupcakes! Have a great X-Mas <3 and thanks for all the support on this book!

When The Twins Were 5

"M-mommy...I don't feel very well," Little Leila spoke sadly. She stared at the grave in front of her as her brother looked at the sky. Next to him was a smaller girl who looked confused and scared.

"When I get b-better,I will come e-every day!" She stuttered out. The small girl walked over to Leila and tilted her head. "You wouldn't remember m-mommy. S-she was great," Leila said,hugging the girl. The three kids eventually got up and started leaving the cemetery. As they were crossing the street an incoming car speeded right at then.

"Jessie! Move!" Was the last thing the little girl heard before getting killed by the car. The twins called for help and cried. They had lost their father when they were born and were now on there own. Jessie was the best thing in the world,but now she too,was gone.

Jessie Emerald ???-???
Loved by all who meet her,and died at the age of four.

Read the tombstone they had asked the police to give her. The twins never left each other's sides and protected each other. When they were ten they learned about how their powers worked and trained together twice every week. They were strong and fierce together,but when split apart,the whole world was against them.

"Dra..? What if we never make it out of the streets alive?" Leila asked one night. Draven just gave her a sad smile and sighed. "If anything,we would die together. And that's better than dying alone,right?" He spoke softly. Leila smiled and held her brothers hand tightly as they stared at Jessie's grave.

She died alone,her last words were vague but made the twins happy. "Don't cry,I'll be with mommy and daddy now."

Draven had nightmares every night and woke up in the middle of the night. Leila calmed him down and made him feel safe. It wasn't long until they met Jacob and Raven. They learnt more about themselves and Jacob even gave them a place to live. They always tell people they have parents but they live alone,and Jacob plays along with it while Raven never mentions it.

"What was she like?" Ten year old Raven asked curiously. Leila giggled and smiled softly. "She had soft brown skin and curly hair,like mine...but it was brown. And she had soft green eyes!" Leila said,remembering exactly what Jessie looked like.

"Was she nice?" Young Raven questioned. Leila nodded happily. "Nicest little girl in the world!" All Draven could do was be quiet while they talked about his late sister. He hated thinking about his family,instead he would listen to music and read.

Days Before Jessie Died

"Can we take him back with us?" Jessie asked eagerly. She was petting a dog they had found astray in the streets. Leila and Draven said no,but the dog followed them anyways. Jessie's fed and took care of him while Leila and Draven just watched. They had lots of money from their mothers will,but they were to young to receive any of it. They never slept in the place the government gave them either,it was a hotel with drug dealers and such.

"His name his Alfredo and he loves pasta!" Jessie exclaimed.

Now that she's gone the twins feed and take care of Alfredo in her honor. Love goes a long way,especially this one.

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