Part Five | The Red Moon

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They had driven for a few hours by now, it was night.

"How much do you know about the moons Eva'Luna?" Raven asked.

"I know that I'm named after the moon...I know that it goes through phases." She stated. Raven gave a short nod and his gaze turned to the window.

"Do you know what that's called?" He said with a smile on his face. Eva lifted her head and looked out the window to see a beautiful red moon,it made her feel odd. She felt a certain energy she had never felt before.

"Shouldn't have told her that son,she still doesn't know what her powers do." Jacob said.

Leila held Eva'Luna's hand and smiled.

"Your elements. I think she can control heat." Leila said.

"That's what you said about me,and I'm a lighting element." Raven stated,looking at Leila.

"I-I...what's happening.." She said,she then fainted.

When she awoke she was in the car. She looked next to her and saw that Raven had switched to the backseat to watch her while the others were outside.

"Raven...?" She said,tugging on his hoodie. "


"Why did I faint last night? And why do I feel all weak...?" She asked him,leaning her head on his shoulder.

"Your just gaining some energy."

"What does that mean?"

"It means your body is getting used to some things within you."

"Sounds like health class, I don't like it.."

"Haha, you asked,"

She chuckled and closed her eyes,cuddling into him. Raven put his arm around her and they both fell asleep.

"Son,wake up." Jacob said as he got in the car. Draven sat in the front and Leila sat in the back.

"Hm...?" Raven said. Leila gave him a smirk when she sat down.

"Leila I swear.." Raven threatened. She took a picture of Eva'Luna,who was still asleep.  The twins starting laughing.

"Haha,very funny girls." Raven said rolling his eyes, Draven gave him a death glare. Eva'Luna lifted her head and blinked.

"I see your awake,love!" Raven said as Eva sat up. "Yeah...where did you three go?" She asked. "We went to find a unicorn horn! It's for you,a gift!" Leila said,handing her a sparkly horn that was pink.

Eva stared at it for a few seconds before smiling and taking it. "Thank you." She said softly, putting it in her bag. Eva'Luna laid her head on Raven's shoulder again and stared out the window.

6 hours later

They arrived in a beautiful place, it had dark purple and black trees. It was lit up by plants that glowed all sorts of colors. Eva'Luna looked at Raven who had fallen asleep. Jacob was also asleep,but the twins were playing a game with a few sticks. Eva got out the car and sat down next to them.

"Put a stick in the middle Luna! It's fun,you'll see." Leila said smiling. Not taking her eyes from the sticks she was placing. Eva'Luna picked up a stick and dropped it in the middle. The pile glowed pink.

"Whoa,never seen that one before! It means a pink lily will turn into a spell." Draven said,now looking at Eva'Luna. They played the game for a little longer,eventually Raven woke up and joined them.

"Raven, I forgot how powerful you were. Show us something." Draven asked. Raven chuckled and stood up. He stared at a tree and ran at it. He ran through the tree, he feels the ground beneath him open up,suddenly teleporting to the sky, landing on his feet.

The three clapped,Eva'Luna was amazed.

"Eva, I can teach you that one. My dad said you had this power." Raven offered,holding out his hand.

"O-okay..!"She took his hand and watched what he did. He held her waist and they fell through the ground and he ran her out the tree again.

She stood there, it was so cool but she was still shocked.

"You good,love?" Raven asked moving her hair out of her eyes.

"Yeah...that was amazing!" She said happily. The twins teleported over and they all talked and hung out for a bit. Jacob got out the car and called them over.

"You kids hungry yet?" He asked. Raven rolled his eyes.

"We haven't eaten in 2 days,but yeah. Ask us anyways!" He said sarcastically. Jacob turned around and handed each of them some water.

"Eva'Luna,what do you want to eat?" He asked.

"I'll eat mom doesn't have the money for us to choose.." She said quietly.

"Luna,your mother trusts me to get you whatever you need or want. She may not have the money but I do,follow me." He said taking her hand and helping her into the front seat. They drove for about 10 minutes and then pulled up at a cafe.

They all walked in and sat down.

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