Part Six | Cafe Troll

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They walked into the Cafe and sat down. "I remember this place!" Leila said.

"We all do,my dad takes all of the newbies here." Raven said,nudging Eva's arm.

"Newbies?" She asked.

"Yeah,Raven refers to you guys as newbies. Don't take it personally," Draven said.

The 'waiter' walked up to the table,Eva'Luna glanced at him and then looked out the window to her right.

"What would you like to order?" He asked,voice scratchy.

"May we all get water." Jacob requested. The waiter nodded and left.

"Scared?" Raven asked.

"What,no! Just questioning why my mother let me go with you..." She said,whispering the last part.

Everyone laughed at her comment.

"Sweetie,your mother has been here before. She completely trusts me to take care of you!"
Jacob told her.

"The waiter...was not...a human.." She stated. Raven smirked at her and then he made a glowing orb appear in his hands.

"And what do you think we are?" He asked. Eva smiled at him and sighed.

"You'll get used to it,he's a troll. He's just a big elf when you think about it!" Leila said,her voice soft and calm.

Eva'Luna thought about that for a moment. How the moon was red,how she fainted,how she played that game,how she fell through a portal. Now she was being waited by a troll.

The waiter came back and then took their orders. Jacob got everyone soup.

"It's the only thing without an eyeball in them," He joked. Eva'Luna gave him a shocked glare.

"Kidding, don't take everything seriously." He said.

"Sorry, it's just...I've never really been outside my home...I have no idea what is real." Eva said,and it was true. She hadn't gone out,  her siblings let her leave the house once, But it was dark out.

"Never? Not even to go to school?" Draven asked.

"Nope,I was homeschooled! My siblings brought the outside world to me." She said,she frowned when she thought about how much she missed them. She missed how Mason would follow her up the stairs and joke with her, she missed how her sister would hold her when she was sad. She missed everything.

"What are they like?" Jacob asked. Eva'Luna looked up at him and smiled.

"Mason looks like his father but has my mothers eyes,and Emily is so beautiful. They are so caring and fun," She said, smiling from just the images of them in her mind.

Raven put his arm around her. "They sound lovely." He told her.

"Why don't you call your sister?" Jacob offered. Luna's eyes brightened and she nodded.

Once they left the Cafe,she took her phone and called Emily. "Sis? Where have you been? Mom said you went on a trip!" Emily ranted.

"Hi...yeah.." she said,suddenly feeling shy.

"Okay well,when are you coming home? I need my sister! Mason isn't the person I can talk to and he'll just listen!!" She said. Eva laughed a little.

"I don't know yet,sis."

"Well,I'll talk to you later." She then hung up.

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