Mixed Emotions

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Warnings: Slight Smut? Nah not even. Like almost I guess lmao

"Okay, follow me." Haru said to you, directing you to the gym. Once you had walked in, you saw that the boys were still in their uniforms. Everyone turned to face you and Haru after you opened the doors. The coach gestured you both over. He looked like he was in his late 40s or 50s, and had a genuine smile on his face.

"Well hello there Y/N! The boys already told me beforehand that you wanted to be the manager for the team! Of course, I won't decline, but I'd also like to get to know you first. The team probably would too!" A few of the boys nodded.

"Oh okay, right that makes sense. Well, my name is Y/N, I'm a year 3, and spent my first two years at Karasuno before my mom and I moved houses. I'll be honest, I don't know too much about volleyball, but I hope to make new friends as the manager and help the coach and your team as much as I can!"

"And I'm her boyfriend." Haru added in, making your cheeks feel hot as everyone's eyes shifted from you to him.

"It's nice to meet you both! I'm Irihata, but you can just call me Coach if you'd like!"

"Great!" I nodded.

"Well, I'm assuming you've already met the boys at some point?" You nodded.

"Alright, well without further ado, you are now Aoba Johsai's manager!" The boys started cheering and applauding.

"Welcome to the team Y/N!" Oikawa said, giving you a high five.

"Well boy's," said the coach," no need to change your clothes. It's Friday and you've all worked hard this week, so I'll let you rest for the weekend. Y/N, you'll receive your team jacket some time next week!"

"Thank you so much for the opportunity!" The boys all quickly said goodbye to their coach, and then started walking towards the door, where you and Haru were. When you got outside, Oikawa ran up to you two.

"Hey Y/N, could I have your number? I want to add you into our group chat now that you're a member of the team!"

"Oh sure!" I looked over at Haru, who's face was red.

"HEY!" Haru said, loud enough for everyone to hear. They turned around to face him.

What the hell is he about to say...

"I mean this with no disrespect, but Y/N is my girlfriend, and if one of you try something, things aren't going to be good for you..."

"Haru!!!" Omg I wanna die right here-

"Listen up, tough guy!" Kyotani started to walk up to Haru, rolling his sleeves up.

"Mad Dog! Just walk away." Iwazumi said, putting his arm up to stop him.

Mad Dog? Interesting name. 

"Alright alright, listen Haru," said Matsukawa. "I know none of us have had the best relationship these past years, but please stop being that way. We all understand that Y/N is your girlfriend, no need to be so forceful about it though. Nobody's going to do anything. Just let her be a part of the team."

You smiled a little, but not long enough for Haru to notice.

"Ha. When you can actually keep a girl, then we can talk Issei."

"Don't call me by my first name."

"STOP!" You looked over to see Yutaro yell. "Yall are all acting like fuckin' babies."

"I know the first year isn't talking...," Haru laughed, causing Yutaro to roll his eyes.

 "Lets just leave, geez. Y/N, we'll see you next week."

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