Chapter 4

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Rose's POV
As I watched Luke leave I was still crying. He was so gentle with my wrist like it was a prize possession. I have never I mean ever showed anyone my scars. I had this gut feeling that he was going to tell all his buddies.
That made me cry and worry even more. I ran to get my blades and I looked in the mirror and thought about everything everybody was going to ask and say tomorrow if Luke told. I cut so many times I couldn't count blood was everywhere , I was suddenly getting dizzy.
About an hour later I was lying down on my bed listening to music. "bing".

" If you need me anytime I am here and also your secret is safe with me." it read and of course the message was from Luke.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm going off.

"Today is going to be long." I mumbled getting out of bed.

I put clothes on and ran to my car. Pulling into the parking lot of the school. I sighed really loud. As I was walking to the school entrance I saw a group of people just standing there staring at me and every move I made. I made my way to my locker Luke was standing there. Instead of going to my locker I passed it and suddenly a hand grabbed me and covered my mouth. I look to see who it was but I couldnt. Which no one would save me anyways so. Then as always like in the movies they pulled me in the janitors closet. they removed there hand from my mouth instead of screaming I ask

"What do you want?"

"Do you not trust me?" That voice sounded to familiar.

"Luke?!" I yelled.


"What do you want?" I asked once again.

"For you to answer my question do you not trust me?"

That question made me think he is the Badboy he has all the girls and worse of all he has seen my scars..

"No" I stated plainly and left I turned around and looked at him and in his eyes you could tell he cared and he was hurt by my response. But that wasn't for me cause no one cares about poor ole me.

I went on with my day and avoided Luke until we got to Mrs. Wilsons class. I walked it and sat down in my regular sit which I was alone.

"Everyone get with your partners." Mrs. Wilsons voice yelled.

I don't know if I go to Luke or he comes to me?. Suddenly the once empty sit next to me was taken. I looked over to see a very hurt Luke. I wonder what's wrong with him?

"You know you can ask." He said bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Ask w-what?" Damn I stuttered.

"Whatever it is your wondering because you keep staring at me." I didn't even realize I was staring.

"Are you okay you look upset?" I said sounding concerned.

He let out a sigh and then the bell rung and Luke went running out of the classroom.

"Luke stop!" I yelled.

He finally stopped and looked at me.

"What was that b-back there?" I asked.

" I hate that you don't trust me, that you think that I am going to tell everyone that you cut, I hate that your so broken and I can't do nothing about it I want to be your friend." he finally said.

Wow Luke the Badboy wants to be friends with a girl with scars no I don't believe him

"Why, do you wanna be friends with a girl that has s-." I never got to finish my sentence because Luke put his lips on mine.

I felt sparks and that's what I was the most afraid of. I pulled away and ran to my car just leaving Luke standing there.

The Badboy Saved MeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang