I hate everything nothing is going well it just going down hill I wish it would get better but it doesn't.i wish I could lie in bed all day and talk to nobody but I get put on the spot all the time and I wish I could melt into the ground and die.but I'm always telling myself you have so much to live for but I don't even believe myself anymore.i always see these happy people and I wish I could have a little bit of happiness but I don't have any.i love my family but I get lonely and sometimes I just want to be left alone and if I ask to be left alone I get yelled at and I feel worse than before.so right now I sitting on my bed thinking of how much of a screw up I am and how I'm nothing like my sister's who are confident and aren't screwing up every minute.
De Todoum hi ignore this I'm just venting about my stress and stupid schist in my life