Poppy: You can do it solo
Branch and Velvet: But then you'd be all by yourself.
Synth: Yo!
It would be more fun
To share this one with someone else.
Rythm and Blues: Together we will soar across the sky and beyond.
Holly: So tune up your voice.
Val: Stand up and sing along!
Everyone: All different voices, our melody's ringin'
We're living in harmony!
Yeah, we're living in harmony!
Our song is much stronger,
With every Troll singin'
We're living in harmony!
(Velvet's pov)
It was the first day in Trollstopia and Poppy had a huge idea planned. She didn't ask for my opinion so I can only hope it's not as overkill as the last one. I was standing next to my sisters and Synth, who I like to call Synthie, and I was excited but scared to hear Poppy's idea.
"Friends, welcome to the first day of Trollstopia!" She announced and then there were fireworks that made shapes of different tribes of trolls heads. "Branch and I have found a way to match you newcomers with a Pop Troll buddy!"
Okay, you know all my doubts before, forget them because this is gonna be sweet!
"We callit the buddy system so grab a name from the pinata to get your assigned buddy. Fuzzburt." Branch explained as Fuzzburt broke a pinata and cards came flying down.
I raced to get one and I got... Minuet Sonata a Classical Troll. This made me nervous because classical trolls can be very specific. Then she flew up to me.
"Hello Velvet." She greeted.
"H-hi. Sorry I'm really nervous." I apologised for stuttering.
"It's alright. I can't wait to learn about the Pop Trolls. Classical music is fantastic but it's so repetitive and we never use our voices! Please don't tell Dante." She told me.
"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." I said using the promise me and Poppy came up with.
Which caused her to smile. I like her already.
I then looked over to my sisters and Synth. My sisters got Holly and Synth got Guy.
"Mabey next time, Synthie." I quickly whispered to him as Minuet and I went to my house.