Chapter 58

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We get back to the room and since there is no teachers they put in a watch thing. It checks in on all the rooms. "Well this is a bust" "not completely" he goes to grab a box. "Here" he hands me the box. I open it. It is a locket that says I love you. I open the locket and it is a picture of Ron and me. I hug him. He moves my hair and puts it on me. "I love you Ron" "I love you to Ellie" we lay on his bed. "I'll be back I'm gonna change" I walk to my dorm I change into shorts and Gryffindor sweater that I stole from Ron. I walk back to Ron's room. He is there arguing with Thomas about something. I felt dizzy and all I remember is that I fainted and hit the ground hard. I remember waking up in the middle of the night. I had the worst headache. Hermione Cedric Draco and Thomas were all on the floor. Probably because I fainted. I get up to go to the bathroom to get pain killers. Draco heard me get up. I get up and try and walk. I almost fall Draco gets up real quick and catches me. "The teachers are out we're gonna wait for them to check you out tomorrow" "I'm fine" "ya you falling says it all. Look you go sit in bed and I will get you medicine" he doesn't let me say anything. He goes to the bathroom and grabs me medicine. Ron wakes up "Ellie are you ok" "ya I'm fine" everyone wakes up when they hear Ron talking. They all get up and come up to me. "Are you ok" "Ellie what happened" "are you alright"my head got fuzzy again and I remember falling and Cedric catching me from hitting the ground. I wake up in the morning in the infirmary. I guess they took me there after I fainted the second time. Molly was there. "Hey I don't want to overwhelm you but I have bad news" I was very nervous "so you have a heart condition. Basically you have a weak heart and if you get overwhelmed with emotions you faint" "awesome. Is there anything that we can do to treat it" "there is no cure yet. So I was told that you should come home for a few days and since I'm your guardian I am responsible for you. But I want to give you a choice" my head was spinning. "But before you tell me there are people that want to see you" I get up I can walk but my head is spinning "why don't you sit down" "I want to stay I will just take it easy" "alright we'll I will talk to head master and see if you can bunk in Ron's dorm til we can get the fainting under control" she walks away to go to the head masters office. I walk out of the infirmary. Everyone was is class they wouldn't let anyone out even though I was sick. I walk to my sixth class. I stumble a few times but I make it before class is over. I was allowed to sit out of classes for a few days but I just want everything to be normal. I walk in and Ron comes up to me. Snape was filling in for the class. "Ronald Weasley sit down" "bite me Snape" I laugh as he says that. "Ten points from Gryffindor. "Anyone else to get up will receive ten points from" sixth bell rings. Ron picks up his stuff and walks out in the hall way "Eleanor Ron step into my office" Snape doesn't sound nice. "All you two do is talk during my class so I'm going to be moving your seats. And don't ever take that tone with me again Ronald or I will expel you. Now Eleanor if you can't not faint during my class then don't come back tomorrow" "she can't control that and you can't be mad about it" they continue arguing. "Ron" my head gets very fuzzy and I start seeing black. I fall. Right before I hit the ground Snape mumbles a spell that stopped me from hitting the ground. I'm back in my bed when I wake up. Draco was sitting on my bed. "Where is Ron" "he has detention for talking back to Snape. I was told to watch you just in case you fainted again" "well truly I want to be fine but any time I feel to much of one emotion my head gets fuzzy and I start seeing black then I wake up and don't know how long I've been out or how many times this is going to happen. I'm not ok and I never will be I can't be the teenager who you have to be careful around because too much of something can make her faint. I can't live like this. Please help me" Draco comes closer and pulls me in to hug me. "Calm down it will be alright we will figure out how to fix this I promise" I wake up in the morning I feel good. I get up and get dressed. I'm going to start acting like everything is normal until it's not. I didn't go to Ron's room I just straight to Snape's class before class started. "I'm sorry about yesterday I'm going to try on focusing on class. And I think it is a good idea I sit away from Ron. I am truly sorry I will try to not get overwhelmed" "you did the right thing you can sit next to Lavender when she comes in" "thank you very much Snape" I sit next to lavender's seat. Once everyone comes in Ron looks at me with a confused look. I ignore him. He didn't do anything to me I just need to get my head straight. After class I head straight to my next class before Ron can catch up with me. I hear Ron talking to Draco behind me. "Hey do you know what's up with Nelly" "she doesn't want to be an object she wants everything to be normal again. Not everyone worrying about if she is ok she wants everything to be normal so I guess staying away from you is her trying to do that" "your an ass Draco has anyone ever told you that" I make it to next class before Ron could catch up to me but I forgot we sit next to each other. "Nelly what's wrong" "I don't want to be a project that you needs to be fixed. I'm the same person and my heart condition isn't going to stop me from having a normal life" I sit down and start taking notes. The bell rings and I head out side. I sit on a bench to get fresh air. Ron comes up to me. I had a free period so I had nothing to do. "Ron I just need a minute alone please" "I just need to talk to you" "ok" "I don't think your a project that needs to be fixed. Yes maybe I think that if there is a cure or anything we can do I'm going to do it. But I don't think you need fixed. I love you Ellie and your heart problems aren't going to stop that" "Ron I love you" I hug him. Across the yard I see Draco he looks mad. "Ron I need you to trust me" I get up and run to Draco. I jump into his arms. "Draco I love you and I need you to know that" "Ellie I love you so very much and I think Ron is wrong for you" I jump down. He kisses my forehead and pauses there for a minute. He walks toward Ron. He sticks his hand out. They shake hands. "I love Ellie I actually love her and I think you are wrong for her. But I'm not gonna come in between" "thank you for taking care of her. And I can't except that you love her but I would rather you love her than hate her" Draco walks back to class.

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