4- Team Meeting

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I walked down to the Great Hall, constantly going over what had just happened in my head. I used to hate Fred... but do I still? Boys are so confusing. I need some food.

I sat down at the Gryffindor table, coincidentally next to the twins. This was going to be a long dinner.

"Whoa, since when do we get the pleasure of having Eden May join us for dinner?" George chuckled.

"Just making sure your shadow's eating right for our boxing lessons," you said as you winked at Fred. He looked surprised to see you joking around. I looked away and grabbed the plate of chicken and broccoli.

"Don't tell me I have to eat that it looks ghastly," Fred whined.

"You don't have to. But there's a reason I look like this when I eat like this. You said it yourself. You wanna look like me, you gotta eat like me." I chomped on a broccoli head and handed him the plate. "And limit those potatoes. There's barely any nutrients in there."

"Now you're saying I can't have mashed potatoes? How sad of a life do you live?"

"I eat, sleep, and breathe boxing, Weasley. If you want to do the same you gotta know how to set aside personal wants for your muscle gain. You don't get a six pack from eating Honeydukes every weekend."

The twins looked at me with their mouths hanging open.

"Careful, you'll catch flies."

"Do you every enjoy yourself?" Fred asked, bewildered at my commitment.

I lean over and whisper, "You think you'd know the answer to that considering where we just were." His eyes went wide and I smirked as I returned to my chicken and broccoli. "Wood, pass the rice."

"What'd she say to you mate? You're blushing up a storm," George asked.

The whole table stared at Fred waiting for his answer. He gulped and mumbled, "She enjoys boxing. And broccoli." All of us burst out laughing as he struggled to get the words out.

"Listen up Quidditch! Team meeting in the common room after dinner. We have a lot to discuss. We're playing Slytherin, and you know how they are. It's important that we win," Wood babbled as we ate. I felt a hand touch my thigh under the table and look at Fred, but he was using both his hands to go to town on a chicken leg. I turn to my other side and see another redheaded boy, probably a Weasley, I didn't recognize.

"Uh, hello?"

"Hey. You're Eden May, right? The star chaser?"

"In the flesh. And you are?"

"I'm Percy."

I gave him a blank stare.

"Gryffindor prefect?"

I shook my head.

He sighed and said, "People call me 'proper Percy?'"

"Ohhhh, you're party pooper Percy! Everyone says you're the one uptight Weasley."

"I suppose they're correct, but that's besides the point. I've seen you play and around the castle, and I wanted to tell you you're very beautiful."

"Thank you."

"So I was wondering, if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

"Uh, I-"

"Shove off, Percy. Flirt with someone in your own year." I've never seen him so defensive. He glanced at the bench and saw Percy's hand on my thigh still. He glared at Percy.

"No one was talking to you, Frederick."

"Don't call me that."

"I'll do whatever I want. I'm prefect. I'll do as I wish."

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